
Grab our Badge

We would be thrilled if you would support us by displaying a badge on your own blog.  Instructions on how to add the badge to a Blogger blog are displayed below.

150 x 150 pixels

250 x 250 pixels

For group blogs, a version with 'We' instead of 'I'

300 x 300 pixels

How to add a badge to a Blogger blog
  1. Choose which size image you want then right click it and save it to your own computer.  Remember where you saved it.
  2. From your blogger dashboard, select 'Layout' from the left hand side list, then click on 'Add a Gadget'.  
  3.  Scroll through the list that comes up and select 'Image'.
  4. You then get a form to fill in that looks something like this:

  5. You need to put something in the title (eg, My Favourite Shop), but you can leave Caption blank.
  6. The text in the link box should read:  (check it to make sure you don't have ''http://' twice at the beginning).
  7. Then click on the browse button and browse through your own files to find the file you saved.  Blogger will then upload that file to your blog.
  8. You might want to tick the 'Shrink to fit' box to make sure it sits nicely in your side bar.
  9. Click Save and go view your blog.

If you are not a Blogger user, you can still save a badge image and follow your own blog's instructions for adding gadgets or widgets to your side bar.