
Saturday 5 November 2011


Hi there, today I'm sharing a card made with stamps from  Echoes of Italy themeplate. I wanted to create a reflection of the beautiful image as a kind of visual echo and it took a bit of experimentation and a happy accident or two along the way.

I've brayered the sky  and the lake on glossy card and created the hills with promarkers and added lots of blender pen which has created a mottled effect. I was quite surprised at the result but I quite like the effect as it looks a little like hedges and shrubs .

The stamped image is also coloured with promarkers  and I added the reflected image using my brayer. This is a large stamp so I had to do this in two parts and it was very tricky so my tip would probably be to stamp the image on acetate to transfer it to the card.

I didn't want to add a lot of embellishments so to finish off I added some ribbon and gorgeous glitter leaves. I created the flower using  clear film from the Studio 490 Art Parts Sample Pack. I stamped the  huge flower from Decadent Brocade themeplate onto the film with Teal Blue stazon, cut it out and then heated it. Once you've heated the film it softens and you can give your flower loads of dimension. Its a lot of fun to work with too and if you don't like the result you can just reheat and try again.

I've really enjoyed working with these stamps, and I've got loads more ideas from the other DT members gorgeous projects. I hope you have too
Claire xx


  1. This is beautiful and a lovely scene to brighten the current dark wet weather

  2. Wonderful artwork Claire. Soooo beautiful. The refection in the water is marvelous. Great work.
    Have a nice weekend and lovely greet

  3. Super card, Claire. You have got the reflection perfectly and the hills are very effective.

    Janet xx

  4. Wow a stunning card Claire. I love the effect you got with the promarkers, must try this myself.

    Sue x

  5. Totally terrific card, so love this one. x

  6. So clever, especially getting the reflections. Suexxx

  7. The accuracy of your reflection is incredible - I love the detail of the bird & how "Umbrian" this looks.
    Paula (PEP)


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