
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Bee Happy! (Posted by Elaine)

When I saw these lovely Honey Bee stamps I was buzzing with ideas! (Sorry couldn't resist!). I have quite a few samples to share with you, because I love bees so really enjoyed a good play when we had our DT delivery of these stamps.

Here is my first - a fairly simple card.

I started with a 6 x 6 black card blank as I wanted good contrast as a border. I cut a slightly smaller square of white card and used the honeycomb stamp to cover the card using black achival ink. I needed to use the stamp positioner and some masking to add little parts of the stamp to the gaps. I added shading with Sunshine Yellow Adirondack and Wild Honey Distress Inks. I used a white pen and a white glittery gel pen to add highlighting to the small bee wings. I then cut a strip of card for the sentiment and used the Words of Wisdom happy word stamp and positioned the larger bee instead of the word. I coloured the bee's body with a honey coloured marker, added white glittery pen to the wings and glossy accents to finish the body.

I have posted another of my projects - a bee canvas - on my blog today here please pop over and have a look.



  1. This is beautiful Elaine and such clever work with the masking. My wishlist is growing

  2. lovely Elaine, you have the positioner and masking down to a fine art there!

  3. A stunning card Elaine. I thought the stamps looked good, but you've shown us how amazing they can look.

    Sue x

  4. Very very stunning Elaine. This is sooooo beautiful. What a great idea you have made with this card. Super this lovely Honey Bee stamps.
    Lovely greet

  5. A beautiful card Elaine, I'm going to visit your blog now.

  6. This is absolutely beautiful Elaine!! I have so much to learn when i see this card.

  7. The contrast of the golden honeycomb against the black is very striking & I love the bluey effect of their wings. Those bee bodies look very soft & tactile distintly furry & your play on words is delightful.
    Paula (PEP)

  8. Fantastic card Elaine lovelwhat you have done with the bees. My garden is planted with the bees in mind as I think we should all be giving them a helping hand :) Suexxx

  9. Lovely card Elaine, and I think the sentiment is one we should all follow. ikki x


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