
Sunday 26 February 2012

Vintage, Inky heart with wings (by Debbie)

Hi there. I wanted to create a vintage grungy style card using the heart with wings and a crown from the new Artistic Expression stamp set. I chose the colours for the backgrounds first, coloured and then stamped with the Small Script from Mini Scripts with the same inks. To add more of an aged feel I used an Ink Splat stencil and distressed into the splats with the Spiced Marmalade.
The heart and crown have been stamped seperately onto white card, cut out, coloured with Alcohol pens and glued on. I stamped the words from Crafty Individuals - UM Britannia below in black so that it became a focal point.

Distress Ink - Antique Linen, Spiced Marmalade, Vintage Photo
Versafine - Onyx Black
If you would like to see the stamps I have used click on the underlined words and it will take you to the Chocolate Baroque website where they are.

Thanks for stopping by



  1. This is a great card and I love how you have used the heart and wings

    Jackie x

  2. Lovely card Debbie love all the colours and elements you have used. Suexxx

  3. Striking combination of various elements & I love the dimension you created in those wings.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. That's beautiful, adding the splats was a great idea.


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