
Tuesday 8 May 2012

French Dressing Room (posted by Judith)

Hi folks, here's a cheery project combining the Lace Fragments stamp plate and the Haberdashery stamp plate. I used a colour palette of Spun Sugar Distress Ink and Paris Dusk Memento Ink, a very unusual combination for me!

First of all, I used Post it Notes to create stripes on the bottom half of the background, masking areas, and inking inbetween those areas. I dried everything thoroughly, and then I went back and masked everything again, and inked the white areas inbetween with one of the large lace stamps with Spun Sugar Distress Ink. For the top half of the card, I simply coloured the background with Spun Sugar Distress Ink, then stamped the large lace flower with Paris Dusk Memento Ink. I put a piece of dark blue ribbon across the middle. This is from one of the ribbon sets that Glenda sells on the website.

I then stamped the three mannequins with Memento Ink, and coloured them with Distress Stains before cutting them out. I added a simple sentiment from the 'Paris Postcard' stamp plate.

Don't forget to keep popping back to see what the other Design Team members have been making with these fabulous stamp sets, I'll be back in a few days. Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. It is so interesting to see the various ways these stamps are used by the DT.

  2. A real fashion room; like the way those stamps are used!!!


  3. Your background techniques are absolutely intriguing & ever so effective - love the unusual combination of colours & layering of stamping.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. Judith fantastic ideas with the colouring and stamping with a great result , love it. Suexxx

  5. Beautiful work, Judith! Hugs!

  6. It's beautifully elegant. I love the background.

  7. This is a great card and I love how you have done the background
    Jackie x


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