
Thursday 26 July 2012

Dusky Damask Care Card

Good day to each of you!  Welcome to another Dusky Damask posting filled with "eye candy", or "eye chocolate"!  Delicious!  Please "eat" as much as you'd like - you won't get full!

This new set is so awesome and versatile!  These stamps are so detailed and clean!  They are wonderful to work with, and the quality of these stamps is superb!  Have I raved enough?  :)
I wanted to make the focal image "pop", so I used a very dark patterned
gray cardstock as my base.  The very large paisleys were heat embossed in black. They stand out nicely against the dark background.

Mounting the flower image on a blue mat to match the blue I used
to color it makes the colors brighter.  Attaching it with foam squares to
raise it up off the base makes it really stand out against the dark gray.

This is a tri-fold card and measures 3 3/4" wide by 7" high.

This card stands on it's own very nicely.  I used one of the other floral stamps from the Dusky Damask set to accent the center and right panels.  The sentiment reads, "Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing."  You will find it in the Easter Traditions stamp set.  I hand-calligraphied, "Be encouraged".

Please check back with us again to see what beautiful and inspiring work is being created!


  1. great make, love the black paisley embossing. and your focal image certainly does pop.

  2. Love your Calligraphy & the way you've used the dark grey background. The ribbon is perfect for this & I love your fussy cutting of the images & layering them onto the pale blue - absolutely beautifully put together.
    Paula (PEP)

  3. Gorgeous - the main image really does stand out as you intended.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment - it brings a little ray of sunshine into our day when we know our work is appreciated!