
Wednesday 4 July 2012

Pressed Poppies (posted by Judith)

Hi folks, I just love Poppies, they are my favourite flower. I was so pleased to work with the latest stamp release Pretty Poppies from Chocolate Baroque.

I made a background using leaves from a plant called the Plume Poppy, using a technique taught to me by my Design Team mate Elaine. I also pressed some Poppy leaves between two pieces of watercolour paper to create the smaller panel on my card. The leaves create a lovely delicate image, as they are very watery. I simply inked the edges with Memento Ink.

Finally, I stamped the main image, and coloured it with Polychromos pencils, and decoupaged the butterfly. The sentiment is so lovely, and the font is really beautiful. I will be using this a lot.
Keep checking back to see what my Design Team mates have come up with using these fabulous stamp sets. Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. These techniques are new to me but they look absolutely wonderful. I love the effect of your Polychromos colouring & that butterfly really zings in its colours.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. Lovely Judith :)
    Happy craftin

  3. Beautiful card, I like the effect of the pressed leaves in the background. Jean x

  4. This is a gorgeous card, that technique is a new one to me but the effect is gorgeous. Those poppies and butterfly really pop off the page. I love it

    Jackie x

  5. Beautiful card Judith and great techniques. Love the Poppies. Suexxx

  6. Hi Judith, I love your card. This was a must have set, I love this image. Poppies are my favourite flower too. I received my Dusky Damask and Pretty Poppies stamp sets a few days ago but I haven't had the chance to even take the wrapper off of them. Life has been too busy this week.
    Alexandra x

  7. Gorgeous Judith - it works so well! Sarah x

  8. gorgeous, a real piec of ART!!!


  9. Beautiful. great techniques something different. and your work with polychromos is fabulous x


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