
Thursday 6 September 2012

Happy Halloween

I have been playing with our clear Halloween sets, Batty Owls and Witches Brew.   I've gone for a bright colour scheme on all of these using Distress Inks.

Below you'll find instructions for the card on the right and a video which shows how the cards on the left were made.  Even if you're not into Halloween, I hope you find the ideas useful.

Spooky Card

You will need:
  • Onyx Black Versafine
  • Distress Inks: Barn Door, Spiced Marmalade, Mustard Seed, Mowed Grass, Crushed Olive
  • Thick White Card
  • Polychromos pencils (or other waxy pencils such as Coloursoft)
  • Black Glossy Card
  • Black pearlescent card
To make card:
  1. Stamp the witch and the moonlit castle with Onyx Black onto thick white card and blast with a heat tool to dry thoroughly.  If it's not dry, it will smudge in the next step.
  2. Colour the moon with pencils - make sure they are not water soluble pencils, you want waxy pencils as the colouring will act as a resist to the distress inks.
  3. Use a piece of Cut'n'Dry or a blending tool and rub the Mustard Seed around the moon and outward along the middle section of the card.  Blend Spiced Marmalade down from the top and Crushed Olive up from the bottom.  Strengthen the very top with Barn Door and the bottom with Mowed Grass.
  4. Add a few bats (from Spookylicious) if required and stamp the word Spooky above the witch.  Go round the edge with the cobweb corner using Onyx Black.
  5. Cut a piece of black glossy card and sand the edges.  Rub Spiced Marmalade over the sanded areas and polish dry with kitchen towel.
  6. Layer up the stamped image onto the distressed glossy card and stick to a folded black pearlescent card.  Finish with ribbon or trim.

Misty Bats Card

This next card uses the same materials and inking techniques and shows you how you easy it is to line up the clear stamps accurately.

Here's a video (about 9 minutes) showing you how the whole card was built up.  

Thanks for watching and don't forget you can chat live to us throughout today on the Chocolate Baroque community site.


In celebration of our new product launch, we are giving away multi pack of Cut 'n' Dry - one each of the foam and the felt!

Leave us a comment below and it could be your lucky day!


  1. Wonderful colours on these cards - I'm not usually into Halloween but love these. The owl on the wall is great.

  2. Fab cards. Gorgeous colours. This is so much fun today.
    Florence x

  3. Fabulous cards - I'm with Val on the Hallowe'en bit, but these are gorgeous!

  4. Really enjoying this today. Love the colours, especially the greens and yellows mixed in with the orange an black

  5. Really enjoying this today. Love the colours, especially the greens and yellows mixed in with the orange an black

  6. O yes please count me in, love the cards :)
    Happy Craftin

  7. Love the stamps, cards and colours but dashing off to login to the chat room

    Love Janet V

  8. I don't celebrate Halloween, but I love the imagery & these stamps are perfect. Thanks for the video Glenda, the cards are gorgeous.

  9. The colours are amazing & I love that owl sitting on the wall. I don't normally do Halloween at all but am getting ideas for that spider's web - hmmmm..... shall have to think again.
    Paula (PEP)

  10. Love the stamps, wish I knew more people that might appreciate a Halloween card as these cards are fabulous! Love all the "inkyness" and colours.
    Mandy x

  11. I don't make Halloween cards either but I do like some of the images and the colours on your cards are gorgeous. Jean x

  12. Love the new clear stamp line ! Glenda, your tutorial video creating the Halloween card is excellent. The Cut n Dry foam is on my shopping list ! Shirleyx

  13. I also don/t have made Halloween cards but your cards are beautiful. Tbajs for the video and the change to win the Cut and Dry.
    Lovely greet

  14. I don't do Halloween either, but can't help liking these images and the cards are wonderful. Will certainly try the technique.

  15. The colours of the inks set off the new stamps beautifully, really nice :)

  16. Three fantastic cards, I love the colours used. The more I see of that witch, the more I know it needs to be in my collection.

    Sue x

  17. I don't do Halloween..............but these stamps make me want to create some Halloween projects, fabulous cards and vibrant colours very spookylicious lol!


  18. Three great cards and wonderful colours. Really like the stamps too.
    Jenny x

  19. I love these - autumn is my favourite time of the year!

  20. Halloween not really my 'thing', but love the colours and the way you built the scene up - clear stamps definitely make it easier!

  21. This is a wonderful set of stamps, and my grand children will enjoy helping me make cards with them all!

  22. Super colours, perfect images for the time of year xx

  23. Halloween is not really 'me' but I love these colours and your scene is fantastic.
    Christine xx

  24. Im not a great Halloween fan, but these cards & stamps are beautiful

  25. These stamp images are great, though I don't know anyone who gives or receives halloween cards... but for themed parties or decorating gifts for the trick n treat kids or even for projects for the older kids (like myself, lol), these would be fantastic.

  26. Love these images and the backgrounds

  27. I absolutely love these new stamps, I have never made so many halloween cards as I have done just lately from your existing halloween stamps in the store. Definitely I will be back to treat myself to some of the new ones.
    Love and hugs
    Susan xxx

  28. The ink blending is fantastic and what a great idea to use coloured card as a base. Never done that. Doh!

  29. The Halloween stamps are a great range- well done.Enjoy your meal!

  30. Three lovely bright cards! Thanks for the chance to win

  31. These are more great stamps - I loved the video and like the way you have blended so many colours of distress inks on there.

  32. The more I see these stamps, the more I like them and not all of them are strictly halloween so they will get more than one outing a year.

  33. Clear stamps are so much easier to position on a project.Well done for going into production.Well done especially Professor Adrian Polymer!!!!!!xx Joyce

  34. I'm loving the look of these new clear stamps, can't wait to get my hands on some. The Halloween designs are fab and your cards are simply stunning! xx

  35. Fabulous stamps and love the colours you've used for them on the cards! Wow - really eye-catching!

  36. Stunning scenes, the stamps are a must buy - I am a sucker for Halloween stamps don't know why. Thanks for the tutorial and video.

    Hugs Ali x

  37. Fantastic hallowe'en cards, love the stamps and the colouring. Well done! Maddy x

  38. Absolutely adore the colours you've used on these backgrounds, they're wonderful. Silhouette cards are some of my faves x

  39. Splendid cards! Good idea to use collered gards to work on! Greetings, Gerrina

  40. I don't make Halloween cards but I would definitely use these lovely colours for other occasions. Thanks for sharing with us. Pat x

  41. Lovely cards you make it look easy! The stamps look very effective like the bats over the moon.

  42. Another great video, Glenda! Easy to follow along! I've never heard of the "Cut-n-dry" pads before. They look like something I'd find very useful. Thanks! Clare

  43. Thanks so much for the video and the great tutorial. I've never heard about these pads before.

    Stampsnews at gmail dot com

  44. Loved the tutorial, the colouring is so atmospheric. This is one I will refer to again and again. Thank you x

  45. I love the owls on this as they are a little different to the norm, all the other stamps are wonderfully spooky too! I love the video tutorial, it's given me some ideas :)

  46. Thanks for the video, always a treat when looking at someone else's art journey! Thanks for a chance to win also!

  47. I love everything ! What a fabulous day. Thanks for the giveaways.

  48. Glenda you really do give us your all, It really does help get our creative juices flowing now want stamps to go with the other sets I already have from you, Thanks Dee.x

  49. These cards really make the stamps a must have. They are just gorgeous

  50. The video is great. I can learn so many.
    Thank you.
    Greatings from Germany.

  51. Great inspiration. Thank you Glenda. Can't wait for my stamps to arrive now!

  52. oh wow thx for the fab video i loved it and those stamps are fantastic i love them xx

  53. Cracking cards Glenda and I do like your imaginative techniques! Thanks

  54. Spooky cards! Absolutely brilliant. Can't wait to try your clear stamps. Love Helen

  55. Adore the Halloween stamps - especially the spider's web. Also, the fence and post which is so versatile - certainly not just for spooky subjects! They complement all the other Halloween sets so well.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment - it brings a little ray of sunshine into our day when we know our work is appreciated!