
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Important message from Glenda - Giveaway Winners, please claim your prizes!

Hi everyone

We have now caught up with ourselves and all of your pre-orders for clear stamps have shipped - yay!  Adrian has been an absolute star and is now busy with a couple of big trade orders before topping up our website stock.  We do have stock of all the sets (at the time of writing this), but some are quite low so please use the waitlist feature - it really helps us to plan the production schedule.

So after a mammoth week of printing, packing, picking and posting, I thought I'd better catch up with all the giveways and get some prizes out.

Thank you to all of you who leave comments.  Please check to see if you are one of our lucky winners and if you are, can you send me an email and confirm your postal address.  Please can you claim your prize by Friday 5th October 2012.

1. Clear Stamp Winners

They are all gorgeous, but I think my favourite is Lily Pad.
Clare x
These all look good though I don't do Halloween. I love the oriental set. All 'create a scene' stamps do it for me. I also much prefer working with clear stamps so this is a good move for me. Kate
Hi Glenda
Fantastic stamps as always and the packaging is a great idea.

Love Janet V

2. Cut 'n' Dry Pack Winner

The lucky winner of the Cut 'n' Dry twin pack is

The more I see these stamps, the more I like them and not all of them are strictly halloween so they will get more than one outing a year.

3. AquaMarker Winner

 The lucky winner of the AquaMarker Landscape painting set is

yes, please. I'd love to try the aquamarkers, then I would have to get some of the lovely new stamps to use them with!!

4. Essential Card Pack Winner

 The lucky winner of the Essential Card Pack is

I think your instructions were so clear (as are these lovely stamps! - sorry about the pun!) that you made it easy for us to create a scene. It makes me look at all the stamps in a new way. Thanks for the inspiration. Lucky you getting all the new stamps to work with!
Jeannie E.

And finally - I'm way behind doing this one from the beginning of the month - the launch kinda overtook our lives for a while!

5. Pears & Baubles Winner

Another gorgeous set of those pears; would look really great done with gilding flakes but make fab cards on the kraft card.

Karen :o)


  1. Congratulations to the winners! Lucky YOU!

  2. Oh wow - how exciting and many thanks to Ineke for letting me know I am a winner.

    Karen x

  3. What a lovely surprise!
    Thank you!
    Clare x

  4. Congratulations to everyone. Have fun with your goodies.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. Congratulations all you lucky winners - I'm sure you'll enjoy your lovely prizes :)

  6. Congratulations, Ladies! Enjoy!

  7. Congrats to all on your good fortune.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment - it brings a little ray of sunshine into our day when we know our work is appreciated!