
Thursday 21 February 2013

A fairy amongst the flowers (by Debbie)

Think I'll start by saying 'thanks for visiting' as I always leave it to the end. My card today uses another of my favourite Chocolate Baroque stamps the Fairy from Gossamer Wings. She sits beautifully between the crocus from Spring is in the Air.
I started by stamping the fairy with memento black ink so I was able to colour the wings with alcohol pens. I stamped onto a post it to make a mask of the fairy and the stamped the crocus's again with memento for colouring. For the wings I stamped onto acetate with stazon and added waterfall stickles.
The colour of the pens is just visible through the acetate. They are attatched with a little silicone glue. Rather than using distress ink to colour the ground I used the broad end of the alcohol pen. Debbie


  1. This is such a lovely & imaginative idea & I love the way you have used the colours of the wings for the ground & your matting. The black card base is a terrific foil for the panel & I particularly like the way the sentiment straddles all the layers. The glitteriness of her wings through the acetate really catches the eye, plus the glittery ??gems?? in the corners provides an echo of the sparkle.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. would never have thought to sit a pretty fairy amongst the flowers , lovely idea x Lavinia


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