
Friday 29 March 2013

Stamp(s) of the Month - Inspired by India

We usually launch new stamps at the start of the month, but Easter weekend has brought our launch date forward by a few days and April's new stamps are out already.

Inspired by Indian block prints and textiles, I give you Indian Elephant and Indian Textiles:

Also available as a multi-buy offer.  As always, we have introductory prices (that goes for our wholesale customers too) for one month only and the multi-buy is where you will get the best savings.

I've had the privilege of seeing the artwork created with these stamps by our wonderful Design Team and I suggest you get some superglue for your socks, though even that might not stop them getting seriously blown off.

So watch this space for some scrummy artwork coming your way soon.  I've used these stamps in the first of my new Mojo Monday emails which goes out on April 1st - Chocolate Baroque's second birthday.

If you've missed the buzz about Mojo Monday, please click on the image below for more information and a simple sign up form.

There's still a few days left to take advantage of our March new stamps at their introductory prices and we have free UK delivery on all weekend too.

And as if that wasn't enough, we've won an award, we're having a birthday and we're doing a super duper promotion throught the weekend - click here to read all about it.

Whatever you are doing this weekend, hope it's a good one!


  1. Congratulations on your award and Happy Birthday for Monday!

  2. Congratulations, Glenda, Adrian and crew! That's awesome you're celebrating a birthday, and an award!
    These stamps are awesome!!!
    Clare xo :)


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