
Monday 9 September 2013

Spooky Halloween Sky (by Shirley)

Hello everyone,

I have another Halloween Design using the wonderful new set - Bewitched Moonlight.     I experimented with using Acrylic paints in the background.

I started with red, orange & cream Acrylic Paints on my craft mat.  I spritzed with water and dragged my sheet through.  When dry, I stamped the fence with the tree image & sentiment from Bewitched Moonlight and the spider web looking fragment from Lace Fragments with black Stazon Ink.   I also embossed the fragment with Wow-Glamour Green powder (which has glitter and is much more vibrant in 'real').  I coloured the image a little with Inktense Pencils.

I hope you come back often as my teammates have lots of beautiful designs to share this month.

Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous day,


  1. Love the little scenery and the green glittering spiderwebs! Have a good day, Gerrina

  2. Goodness this is striking - the lace fragment looks splendid & I love the way you used the sparkly green for some it & echoed the little grassy patches of your stamped scenery. The matting is super with the various layers so interestingly framing the whole.
    Paula (PEP)

  3. Wonderful very inspiring. Just love the color.
    Thanks for showing Anneke.

  4. Very beautiful in color, and spookiness! I love it! Clare xo :)

  5. How marvellous love it the paint technique looks brilliant x


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