
Monday 2 September 2013

Spooky Tags with Chocolate by Debbie

We are galloping through the year at an amazing speed and the girls on the Design Team have been creating wonderful samples with the new Halloween stamps. I usually try and give the children who come knocking at the door more than a handful of sweets or money and I am known as the biscuit lady from two years ago when they received a little goody bag of handmade biscuits. This year they will receive a tag with something attached. I found the chocolate shapes in town and set too.
For my first tag I spritzed white card with Dylusions Pure Sunshine and when dry cut to a tag shape. The edges were rubbed with Spiced Marmalade then with the tree and headstone branches stamped around the edges in black ink. To help the bats and wording stand out I used Black Glint WOW powder.
My second and third tags were made from the same piece of card spritzed with Post Box Red and London Blue Dylusions. Again, I embossed the headstone and candle sticks to help them stand out. The candles have white pen added and under the letters of the sentiment.
There's lots more inspiration to follow and don't forget to leave a comment on Glenda's post from the 30th of August for a chance to win a set of the stamps. Debbie


  1. Wow, gorgeous tags & lucky children!

  2. Spooky-beautiful! Inky greetings, Gerrina

  3. These are beautifully effective & I love the detail of the white with the embossed black elements.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. great idea Debbie -love the candlestick one


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