
Friday 18 October 2013

Introducing our Flourish clear stamp set

I'm delighted to announce we have a new set of clear stamps just out - Fancy Flourishes. Read on for details of a giveaway!

I think this is one of those very versatile sets that you can use in conjunction with many other stamps - they're great for edging die cuts and adding detail to corners behind your matting and layering.

In the card below I've used 'second generation' stamping to create a background.  That simply means I've inked my stamp and stamped onto scrap paper, then stamped onto the card without re-inking.  I vary the pressure when I stamp the fully inked stamp on the scrap paper, which means the second stamping has some areas darker and some lighter, which gives it more of an antique, faded look.

 The card below is another very simple card - I stamped the bold flourish with Versamark and rubbed PanPastel over the card to create a tone-on-tone effect.  I stamped the sentiment from Fairyland Words  in Archival (Deep Purple) over the top.

And if you thought corners were just for corners, think again.  Here I've taken the two large corners and stamped them together to make a butterfly.  I hand cut the body then overstamped that with one of the smaller flourishes too.   I stamped with Versamark and embossed with gold sparkle embossing powder then sprinkled a few purple gems around.  The wire antennae help finish off the butterfly illusion.

I have a set to give away, so if you'd like to win this set, please leave a comment below.  So that I don't forget, I've put it in the diary to pick a winner on November 1st which gives you a couple of weeks.


  1. These Fancy Flourishes look fabulous Glenda! I love how you made the butterfly - a purple emperor was the thought that popped into mind on seeing it :-) I will be crossing my fingers fr the draw!


  2. What a wonderful giveaway Glenda, such stunning cards made, will be keeping my fingers crossed

  3. These fancy flourishes look amazing and so versatile too, I love how you have made that butterfly. Thank you for the chance to win with your generous give away.
    Jackie x

  4. I love this flourish stamp, I think that it is absolutely fantastic, and so versatile, thank you.

  5. as ever a great stamp set toes and fingers crossed

  6. Wow - the butterfly is inspired. What a great prize to offer. Thank You.

  7. What a great idea. Love these stamps. Thanks for all the inspiration x

  8. Your butterfly is my favourite here & I love your description of sprinkling a few purple gems - very effectively if I might say. I have to agree that this is one of those really versatile sets; I've already got images of mandalas & background patterns popping into my head. A really superbly versatile set.
    Paula (PEP)

  9. Flourish stamps are always underated. This is such a beautiful set of stamps. I love these and think they would make wonderful borders and other shapes. Using them to make the butterfly is inspiring, thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win them x

  10. I just love flourish stamps and these are really fine and detailed. So it looks like another set to add to my ever increasing list... well there's always the lottery LOL

  11. Das sind wieder tolle neue Stempel!!! Die sind mit Sicherheit vielfältig einzusetzen mit diesen tollen floralen Mustern. Ich würde sie mal gerne ausprobieren und daher versuche ich hier mein Glück. Ich besuche Euren Blog hier immer gerne um die wunderschönen Karten zu bewundern.
    Liebe Grüße

  12. a beautiful set of stamps, and to have them in clear is just the icing on the cake! The butterfly is a great idea, love it

  13. This is a lovely set of stamps and so versatile too! Thank you for the chance to win some :)

  14. Wow Glenda, I especially love the way you have used the corner flourishes to make butterfly wings, it's a fantastic idea!

  15. When I first saw these I thought they were Christmas Flourishes! The design at the top centre reminded me of a star and I can also "see" a lovely holly-leaf trail at the bottom. They could certainly be used with good effect on Christmas cards, stamped several times as a background or in corners. A terrific and versatile set of stamps.

  16. Stunning set Glenda and just adore the way you've made the butterfly. Rhian

  17. Wow! This is one elegant set of flourishes that looks as though it could be so very versatile. Your cards are stunning, and thanks for the chance to win this beautiful set! Saw Shirley's beautiful use of it, used the link she provided to come over & check out the stamp set. Hugs

  18. Such a beautiful set to use for any occasion. I saw Shirley's card and came from her blog to here

    Love Chrissie x

  19. I love these flourishes as they can make a lovely background or a really striking centrepiece, and as they are clear stamps this makes continuous patterns that much easier to produce. The versatility of their design means they would be great for any type of card. Thank you Glenda for giving us all a chance to win a set.

  20. These are all great ideas, love the butterfly. Beautiful new stamps and so glad I looked for your blog today.

  21. Would love to try these with gilding flakes. xx Fingers crossed! xx

  22. Fab stamps as usual. Very versatile too. I love all of Glenda's stamps , need to win the Lottery so I can have them all.

  23. A really useful set of stamps, ideal for corners, repeat stamping backgrounds and focal pionts.

  24. Ooo I like these a lot.. Versatile and clear :-) brilliant x

  25. Great collection of stamps Glenda, thanks for the chance to win ... so hard to type with fingers crossed! ;)

  26. Wow, beautiful set! So pretty and will be very versatile. Love how you've done the butterfly, Glenda! Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize. x

  27. Ooooh Glenda another set to add to the ever growing wish list. As you say they are so useful and versitile. Thanks for a chance to win :-) I will keep my fingers crossed.

  28. They're really elegant and sophisticated. Love your cards and especially good to see purple. Yes please I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.


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