
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Peony Fairy (posted by Claire)

Good morning, Claire here with my first sample using this months stunning new stamps. I've used the beautiful Peony Clear stamp for this card, peonies are one of my favourite flowers and I couldn't resist sitting this lovely little fairy from the September Fairies set on one of the flowers

I created the background with Picked Raspberry and a little Shabby Shutters distress inks, I popped some on my ink blending mat, misted with water and swooshed the card through it, once dry I stamped the peony here and there with more Picked Raspberry ink.

To create the focal image I stamped the fairy with black ink, (I only inked up the fairy, not the toadstools) and then masked her to stamp the flowers. I coloured the flowers with Graph'It markers and then used some Fantasy Film from my stash to stamp the wing and attached it with a little silicone glue. I used a shaving brush to dust ink around the image and matted it on white and then black card. To finish off I added some black lace, ribbon  and a little button from my stash.

Thanks for visiting today
Claire xx


  1. The lush loveliness of your card is a delight to behold Claire!

  2. The way you brushed some of the ink into the peony panel corners is so effective for it really melds the whole with the background & I love your addition of that sheer green ribbon in just the right green. It's a brilliant idea to have her sitting in the cup of the flower & I love the way her wings are echoed by your black lace strip. The matting really finishes both panels beautifully.
    Paula (PEP)

  3. A really lovely card, and the pink and green background is so vibrant, highlighted beautifully by overstamping with the peony. I too love peonies and this one has just the right amount of detail.
    I particularly like the black lace you have used as an embellishment.

  4. Great colouring Claire, I love the colours you have chosen - really vibrant and the addition of the green ribbon and the black lace to echo the fairy image is lovely. A great card. Elaine x

  5. This is so pretty! Great job!

  6. A beautiful card, so colourful and bright. Love the new flower stamps, (think they are new?) I'll have to have some, and the fairies. Really enjoy browsing your blog, and other members too. Thank you

  7. Beautiful and interesting must try that colour combo as it looks so good on your card.


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