
Thursday 13 March 2014

Magical Landscape (by Shirley)

Hello everyone, I hope your week is going well.

I have a castle design to show today from the beautiful new Magical Landscape set.

I created the background with watercolour paints wet on wet.   I have a tutorial using this technique at my blog here.   I sprinkled a little salt over the paint while it was wet which created small watermarks.

I stamped the images with Cobalt Archival ink.   The fairy from May Fairy was stamped on separate paper and decoupaged.   I coloured the castle with Prisma pencils as well as the fairy's dress and wings.  I added lots of glitter on the moon and water, but it's hard to see in the photo. The sentiment is from Fairyland Words.

Thanks for your visit and have a great day,


  1. Your background is very beautiful. I love what you did with the stamp set. Off to read your tutorial.

  2. Gorgeous! Must have a go at that background technique.

  3. a stunning card Shirley - so very dreamy - love it xx

  4. Oh my your background is stunning! I love the beautiful colours you have used and the castle and fairy look fabulous!
    Linda xxx

  5. That is beautiful. The sky looks amazing.

  6. Gorgeous painting Shirley, love the stamps you've used and the sky is fab! Will check out the tutorial on your blog as I already do wet on wet watercolour and use dishwasher salt for the lovely background it gives - but I want to see your technique close up! Thanks for sharing x

  7. The castle looks like it's floating in a magical cloudscape & I log the multicoloured sky you created. The hints of colour on the fairy's wings add lovely dimension & I particularly like the way the colour for those echoes the castle turrets - as if she belongs inside the castle for it's her home. I love the way your fairy is standing on the matting layer for the watercolour scene.
    Paula (PEP)

  8. I have been looking a few minutes at this card, because I like the colors on the images so much...A super card!

  9. What a delightfully magical card, I love the colours you have used and the way the castle seems to be appearing out of the ground....very magical
    Jackie x

  10. This is indeed a truly magical card. The background is just perfect, and the pretty turreted castle sits on it just perfectly. Love the colours you have used and those Prisma pencils keep their colour beautifully even over a coloured background. Love the bit of colour you have added to the silhouetted fairy.

  11. I love this background - a really ethereal effect, gorgeous! Love the sparkly water around the rocks, too.
    A beautiful card, Shirley.
    all the best, Liz M x

  12. Shirley, this is just beautiful! I love your colors , techniques and images! Well done!
    Miss you,

  13. Really perfect sky Shirley, just stunning and your vibrant colouring of your main image is super. A really lovely design. Elaine x

  14. Fabulous card and technique, thank you very much for sharing Shirley. Coco x

  15. Stunning and vibrant and magical lookin, checked your tutorial definitely be trying this out another use for my paints as still learner here thanks for sharing

  16. Great sky and gorgeous fairy! Love these beautiful fairy images!


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