
Saturday 8 March 2014

Magical Spring Fairy (by Shirley)

Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well.    I'm dreaming of Spring......but we still have 2 to 4  feet of snow on the ground and it hasn't been mild enough to melt much of it.    

I have two cards to show today using stamps from the beautiful new Spring Fairy Collection.   This first one features the beautiful March Fairy.

The background was created with London Blue, Cut Grass and White Linen Dylusions inks.   To create the water marks, I sprinkled sea salt while it was still wet and when dry, brushed it off.    I stamped the fairy from March Fairy & beautiful sentiment from Fairyland Words with Deep Purple Archival ink (it looks blue in the photo).   I stamped the Winter Aconites from Spring is in the Air with Mowed Lawn Distress Ink.   I coloured the images with my Prisma pencils.    I added glitter to the fairy wings and some tiny pearl flowers that I found in my stash.

I also have a CAS design, that was quick to create.  

I cut a circle in card stock and used the negative for a mask.  I blended Squeezed Lemonade and Peacock Feathers Distress Ink inside the circle.  I stamped 'Spring' from March Fairy and the pretty little Robin from April Fairy with Cobalt Archival Ink and coloured it with my Prisma pencils.  I also added some glitter to the foliage and bird. 

Thanks for your visit and have a great weekend,


  1. Wow Shirley these cards are so wonderfull, just my thing , I love those great colours of the dyllusion ink, you made a wonderfull image !! I really love this card!!!


  2. OMG (stolen from my daughter but very appropriate) yout fairy card is lovely but your little bird in its glowing circle is just beautiful. I will be trying that one (will acknowledge my insiration when I do. Thank you for sharing it
    Cheers, Dianne

  3. just stunning Shirley - two beautiful cards - wonderful inspiration xx

  4. I do hope you have some raised temperatures soon. Your first card is a lovely magical scene - almost as if it is underwater but then it could be in a fantasy land - I love those tiny little floral embellishments & the way they highlight the colouring of her wings. Don't the bottom salt marks look like faded aconites?
    The second is a gorgeous example of CAS - the way the background glows behind the bird & your positioning of the sentiment to lead the eye into the image. The stamping extending outside the circular panel adds such lovely interest too.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. Both of these cards are beautiful, and I love the colours you have used on both. The lighter yellowy green top left and bottom right and the blue running through the middle gives it balance, and the flowers are so pretty the way they frame the fairy figure. The faded spots left by the salt in fact look rather like flowers in the background, and the pretty flower gems are beautifully coordinated with the fairy's wings. The second card with the inked oval shape goes perfectly with the robin, and I like the way the edges of the image extend beyond the shape, and the way you have changed the robin's colour to harmonise with the background, a really elegant card.

  6. Really gorgeous cards Shirley. I love your background on the first. Lovely vibrant colours and the salt has given a gorgeous effect. Like Paula, I also thought the lower part looked very much like the flowers. You have coloured the images so beautifully. The second card made be CAS, but it is also really pretty and has a lovely fresh feel about it. Hope you are having a good weekend. It is so warm hear we have had our lunch in the garden two days running! Elaine x

  7. These are stunning, love the fabulous backgrounds and the fairy looks wonderful.
    Linda xxx

  8. Two gorgeous cards I especially love the second one

    Jackie x

  9. Two very beautiful cards. Gorgeous colours & the second one is a very successful CAS card. Hope the weather warms up soon for you.

  10. Both of these are stunning, the lemonade and peacock feathers blend beautifully together. I love the CAS lines of the second one and the pure inkyness of the first! Thanks for sharing x

  11. Beautiful first card; so great these spring-colours! And the CaScard has a beuatiful design with the stamp!

  12. Love the colours and the magical feeling on the first! great CaS layout on the second!!

  13. Wow... Fabulous work, love both cards!!!! Coco x

  14. Gorgeous card shows how fabulous the stamps are, I here we set for snow again next week

  15. Lovely cards! That fairy and her background look so magical! Gorgeous colors!


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