
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Magic Happens (posted by Claire)

Good morning, I hope you've all enjoyed the Easter Weekend. It seems to have gone so quickly but although Easter is over Spring is well and truly here and the Springtime Edges stamps are perfect for so many different projects.   I've used them with one of the beautiful Spring Fairies for this card she is from the March set

I began by stamping the fairy with Memento Tuxedo Black ink and masked her with Masking Tissue to stamp the lovely primrose edge in the background (this time I used Memento Bamboo leaves). I left the mask in place while I created the background. Using PanPastels I added some shades of green to the foreground of the scene and then took shades of Yellow to create a sunny effect behind the image. I sealed the PanPastels with hairspray and used distress inks through the Lucious Leaves Dylusions stencil. I removed the mask and coloured the fairy and the primrose edges with Graph'It Markers. To finish off I added some tiny die cut flowers and stamped the sentiment which is from Fairyland Words.

Thanks for visiting today
Claire xx


  1. Beautiful card Claire... Love the conbination of colours and the stamps work so well with that stencil.. Love it, Px

  2. wow - what a stunning scene - this is just fabulous xx

  3. The green of those primroses is wonderful with the light shining down onto them - it looks as if the primroses are just reaching their heads up to the sun's rays. Her wings really are magical & I like the way those stencilled leaves just cascade like a curtain from above.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. Beautiful background, love the flowers and the fairy looks gorgeous, I especially love her wings.
    Linda xxx

  5. What a lovely card and great Spring time colours
    Jackie x

  6. What a smashing card Claire. Beautiful colouring on your fairy and primroses, the sun ray effect is lovely and I completely love those stencilled leaves. Super design indeed! Elaine x

  7. Lovely card! Beautiful effect with the sunlight behind the fairy and highlighting the flowers from the Springtime Edges set!

  8. Simply beautiful Claire. Great masking and stamping. Another fabulous creation.
    Flo xx

  9. Quite simply beautiful - perfection Karen x

  10. This card is lovely, and the Springtime Edges Primrose stamp in the foreground works beautifully. I love that Luscious Leaves stencil in the background and the Pan Pastels used to create the sunshine effect. I like the way the fairy has been coloured in nicely complementary colours and the pretty added flowers scattered about are the perfect finishing touch.


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