
Saturday 19 July 2014

Tangled Fragments - By Florence

Hi everyone

As some of you know this month we are featuring Chocolate Baroque's new background stamps Tangled Fragments and Harlequin Fragments.  The DT have been busy making amazing projects.  If you have missed any of the posts or are new to the blog do check them out.  Lots of inspiring ideas as always.

Today I would like to share a couple of cards I made using the Tangled Fragments Stamps.  I hope you like them.

For my first card I stamped onto cream colored card stock using green craft paint.  I then applied some green distress ink all over the stamped piece of card using a sponge.  I removed some of the ink from the center of the circles in the pattern using a damp paint brush and paper towel.

Using another of the stamps from the Tangled Fragments stamp sheet, I stamped the image onto two pre-cut square pieces of coated card stock, using Blue Archival ink and adding a touch of green to the pattern using a felt pen.

I stamped my fishes onto coated card stock using Black Archival ink and then colored them in with felt pens.

I made up the card as seen, using foam pads to add dimension.

I kept to a fish theme for my second card

I dabbed some Distress Ink onto a plastic file wallet, spritzed it with water and then swished a piece of coated card stock around on it, picking up the different colors and left it to dry.

I then stamped the background pattern using one of the Tangled Fragments stamps and Archival Ink.

On a separate piece of coated card stock, I stamped the fish from the "Something Fishy" rubber stamp set using Black Archival Ink, cut them out and colored them in using felt pens.

I used a stamp from the Artistic Affirmations stamp set and stamped onto my prepared stamped piece of card with the sentiment using Archival Ink.

I made up my card as seen using foam pads behind the fish to make them 3D.

Thank you to everyone for leaving such lovely comments on the posts.  They are very much appreciated.

Take care all and happy stamping.

Florence x


  1. 2 fabulous cards.. Love the backgrounds but I adore the fish.. Px

  2. Beautiful samples Flo,gorgeous mix of

  3. Beautiful bright cards. I never would have thought that fish could be so exciting

  4. Wow, two stunning cards using the fragments, and those gorgeous fish too. I think the effects look brighter and sharper using the coated card stock, but it still relies on a good eye for colour which you certainly have. These fragment stamps are so versatile as can be seen by all the great ways the DT 's have used them. x

  5. Fascinating to see all the bubbles in your first card, beautifully accented by your clear dewdrops. The background for the small squares looks superbly atmospheric as if the fish will just swim through this fronds & I particularly like the way your golden fish are shaded - echoing the areas where you drew out the colour from the large background panel. The white card base acts as a super foil, as indeed it does in your second card. Your second card is my favourite with the leaps of glee I imagine those fish are performing as they jump out of the surf (a terrific effect for the background. The bubbles harlequin is a super backdrop for the exuberant fish. Your staging of that photo with the marbles is a real treat to see.
    Paula (PEP)

  6. Two beautiful cards, love the backgrounds and the fish

  7. Two gorgeous cards, I love the colours
    Jackie x

  8. Ooh, both are really cute and gorgeous Florence!! I LOVE the second one!!! Hugs, Coco xx

  9. Thank you everyone for your lovely comments and kind words.
    Hugs, Flo x

  10. Fun cards! Those BG are stunning!

  11. I think my comment was eaten by Blogger so will re-type it just in case.

    Florence these are beyond beautiful. They are so cleverly stamped and I love how you have coloured them too. I want you to come over and do a class or two just for me - so I can learn some of your wonderful creative techniques! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful creations with us Karen xx

  12. These are some funky fish. I love the bright colours.


Thanks so much for leaving a comment - it brings a little ray of sunshine into our day when we know our work is appreciated!