
Saturday 5 July 2014

Tangled Peacock card (by Debbie)

When I saw this stamp on the Harlequin Fragments sheet I immediately could see Peacock feathers although I'm sure it will bring different patterns to mind for others.
With Seedless Preserve Distress Ink, I rubbed it onto an acrylic block and lightly sprayed with water then placed the stamp onto it to pick up the ink. When on the card it slightly spreads.
I repeated with Mown Lawn and Peacock Feathers Distress Inks stamping randomly on the card.
The Peacock stamp is from Tangled Peacocks
When I had stamped and heat embossed the Peacock I placed tape around the image so that the water colouring with Distress inks didn't run and I had a white frame around it. I picked out the blue for mounting onto.
Many thanks for visiting


  1. Such a lovely card, the peacock is beautiful.

  2. I love peacocks. The background of this card really makes the image stand out.

  3. I love the peacock and the background is perfect

  4. Very pretty, Debbie! I'd like to know more about how you did the background. Can you email me? Love the colors you chose! Hugs, Clare

    1. Hi again Clare and Paula, I've posted a mini tutorial for tomorrow on my blog of how I made the background. I hope you can understand it. Debbie xx

  5. Stunning card, I really like the background too.

  6. Fabulous, the background works so well with the peacock.
    Linda xxx

  7. The background is beautifully subtle & I love the way it really echoes the peacock's 'eyes' - like Clare I'd love some more info on the technique. The use of the claret ribbon to enhance the 'eyes' of the tail & pick out the seedless preserves of the background is masterful & I particularly like the way you created a crisp border around the peacock scene by your masking.
    Paula (PEP)

  8. beautiful card - and I would never have thought of peacock feathers, looks like sea to me!

  9. Beautiful backgroundpaper and love the fresh colours!

  10. I love the background technique, and I must admit that it does have the look of peacock feathers. The peacock image is lovely and what a great idea to mask off the edges to keep them crisp. A pretty card. x

  11. Gorgeous card Debbie. Perfect for the peacock stamps. tfs.
    Hugs, Flo xx

  12. I have that peacock stamp - he is a real stunner, must dig him out to use again soon! Gorgeous card, love the background - the colours you have used are stunning! Thanks for sharing with us Karen xx


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