
Monday 7 July 2014

Underwater Tangled Mermaid (posted by Claire)

Good morning, Claire here with my first sample made using the gorgeous new stamps Tangled Fragments. I've combined them with an old favourite, the beautiful mermaid from Underwater Kingdom

I began by stamping the mermaid with Memento Tuxedo Black and colouring her with Graph'It markers before masking her with some masking tissue. I stamped the lovely fragment in the background using a Waterfall Big & Juicy inkpad and then inked around the edges very lightly with distress inks (Tumbled Glass and Shabby Shutters). I  removed the masking tissue and added a shadow around the mermaid with my markers

The background was made with the Waterfall Big & Juicy inkpad, I swiped it over my craft mat and misted the ink with water before mopping up with a square of white card. I over stamped with the same inkpad, again using the beautiful fragment stamp. I used the excess ink on my craft mat to colour some seam binding ribbon.

I used some little pearls in the corners and added a sentiment from Loving Sentiments and popped on a little turtle charm to finish off.

Thanks for visiting today

Claire xx


  1. Wow This card is so beautiful,absolutely stunning.I love it a lot.

  2. I love the blues and greens of this 'watery' card. The ribbon is a great idea

  3. WOW this is stunning beautiful colours used

  4. Love the colours you have used... the Mermaid is beautiful too!
    Love Marg

  5. A lovely striking way of presenting that mermaid - she's one of my favourites. I love the way the gradations of colour have worked throughout the whole with the blues & greens from the Big & Juicy merging into one another. The central section within the harlequin positively glows.
    Paula (PEP)

  6. Lovely, perfect colour choice too :)

  7. Wow, Claire! This is so striking! Just beautiful! Love the colors and layout. She looks like she's floating in water. Hugs, Clare

  8. Stunning! Beautiful colors and stamping. Really love the design of your card. The designs on these stamps do shout out "Water" with the little circles and bubbles. tfs.
    Hugs, Flo xx

  9. This is just so beautiful and I love the colours and that harlequin fragment works perfectly in the background. Unfortunately it seems that the waterfall big and juicy is extremely difficult to get hold of. I just wish I had bought one a year or two back when they were still around. I love how you have inked the seam binding ribbon to match too. Gorgeous! x

  10. Love the mermaid with the background. This is a beautiful card and they all go well together-I never expected the Harlequin diamonds with an oceany lady.

  11. just brilliant - the colours are amazing xx

  12. GORGEOUS card, love the idea of mixing different elements and love the fab colour combo.

  13. A super card! Love the colourcombination, how it is build up and how you used the beautiful stamps...

  14. Beautiful stamping! Love the colours you have used and the different way you have used the stamps! Thank you so much for sharing Karen x

  15. I just love those new tangled and harlequin fragment stamps, they are so versatile!

  16. That's really beautiful!! Coco x

  17. Wow - this is beautiful. Love the texture on the harlequin background.


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