
Sunday 7 September 2014

Christmas Shepherds (posted by Claire)

Good morning, Claire here with a sample made using stamps from A Child is Born and Holly Bells.  We're spoiled for choice with so many beautiful stamps this month!

I've used a dictionary page as my background and stamped the Shepherds with Memento Tuxedo Black ink. The holly was stamped and embossed with Gold embossing powder. I coloured the shepherds with Graph'It markers and added some white to the sheep with a gel pen. Its quite time consuming colouring on the text but I love the effect.

I've edged the page with a gold krylon pen, layered the page up one a brown card blank and tied a twine bow along the edge. I was lucky enough to find a dictionary page with 'Christmas' on so I took a red pen and circled the word as a fun sentiment

Thanks for visiting today
Claire xx


  1. Beautifully designed card as always Claire. Love the shading around the shepherds. It really makes them stand out. They almost look 3D. Fab idea.
    Flo x

  2. This is beautiful Claire such a stunning card
    Jackie x

  3. I love how your background is a book page. Very pretty. And, yes, there are so many choices! All beautiful.

  4. Loving the background! Your stamps are coloured so well on this bg.

  5. I like the way you used the gold embossing for the holly leaves & echoed it with your edging of the dictionary paper. The opaque effect on the sheep contrasts beautifully with the translucent colouring of the shepherd which I agree is striking with the text showing through.
    Paula (PEP)

  6. What a great idea to get more interest with this BG!


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