
Sunday 23 November 2014

A Burst of Colour by Doreen

Hello to you all, I am back again sharing another sample made from the new stamps that have just been released for November .

I have used three of the stamps from the Autumn Edges sheet for this card.
I started by making my background blending yellow and red Panpastels onto some textured card .

The toadstools have been white embossed with Versamark and I stamped the trees with brown Archival ink.


  1. This is a lovely card and the textured card really adds to the effect
    Jackie x

  2. Lovely! Another very colourful, cheerful card - even though I think Autumn is generally not a cheerful time (very sad-looking when the leaves all fall).

  3. Love the texture of this colourful card

  4. Interesting to see how the contrast of the brown stamped trees & the white embossed mushrooms creates the impression of depth. Your use of the Mellow Fruitfulness artichoke image in the background serves to emphasise the vertical tree trunks & the mushroom stems & I was particularly struck by the way the shape of the artichoke leaves actually draw the eye to the mushroom shapes (turn the artichoke leaf upside down, add a stem & there's a mushroom!).
    Paula (PEP)

  5. Great combination of stamps

  6. Beautiful colours in this card Doreen and the toadstools really come to the fore with their white embossing. The background is lovely and bright and the textured paper is really effective. x

  7. Great layered card - with layered I mean eh, how to put it... the focus is layered. The mushrooms, the trees, the leaves, all on their own layer. Love the white embossing :)
    Debbie / Daqa

  8. Fun and warm colours; totally autumn!


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