
Sunday 19 April 2015

All Tiled Up (by Asha)

Good morning fellow crafters! Inspired by tiles, I made 2 cards, both featuring the Awesome Orchids stamp set, but with different results.

My first card is influenced by the Dutch Delftware - the distinguished blue on white pottery renowned for its simple elegance.  I started by scoring a piece of white heavy weight watercolour paper into equal rectangles before stamping the flower heads with Memento Ink. With a fine brush and water I pushed the colour into the flowers, taking care not to blur the outlines. I inked the edges of each tile with distress ink and drew a line through the score lines with a white gel pen for a grouted finish.  

Here's another fun way to incorporate tiles into your card project. This time I'm using bright bold mosaic inspired background to showcase the Awesome Orchid stamp. I started by colouring a piece of heavy weight watercolour paper with Gelatos and cutting it up into little squares. Then I put them back together on a piece of white card stock before adhering the fussy cut orchid on the finished background. With a little Glossy Accent on each tile we get the perfect finish for these tiles.

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you are having fun with your new stamps. As always, details of tools and products used are available on my blog. Don't forget to swing by often for more exciting ideas from the rest of the design team. Have a beautiful Sunday!



  1. Two gorgeous cards I especially love the blue and white one

    Jackie x

  2. Loved them, especially the Delft one

  3. These are such striking & original projects: your Delft tile card really carries that effect beautifully with your little trio of gems adding just that little extra superbly; your second bard just takes my breath away with the way you achieved the tiled effect & I love your use of the bright contrasting colours.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. Just stunning work Asha, love them both, Kate x

  5. Two stunners Asha. I love the Delft look of the first and what a great idea to use a white gel pen down the score lines, and the second is so shiny with the Glossy Accents and the individually cut tiles which you have replaced are lined up meticulously. Love the gradation of colour too. x

  6. Both lovely but the first one is my favourite :)

  7. So different and still both tile-cards! Wouldnot be able to say wich one I like best; both so beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration again!

  8. I love blue and white and the tile effect is so very clever in both cards . I will have to give this a try

  9. wow these look amazing - such different tiles cards - but both brilliant x

  10. Oooh must try this! I've lived in Delft for a while, and hated the "kitsch"Delft Pottery look (don't really know a translation for it, other then: souvenir junk. Then I saw some New Delft Pottery style inspired things, it included much finer lines, other designs... I changed my mind about it. I've seen blue cards before (From Florence I think) and loved those allready, and even thought about getting dishes with a dutch pottery print on it... Love the "glass mosaic tiles" on the second card, reminds me of the kitchen in our previous home where we had orange,yellow and red squares like that above the counter, looked so warm, mediterranean. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Ooh my comment didn't post... guess it was too long!
    Love the Dutch pottery look (I never liked the look when I lived in Delft, but I like the modernized look with thinner lines a lot!). Also very much love the Mediterrenean look of the second card, the tiles remind me of our former kitchen. Must try this myself too!
    hugs, Debbie.

  12. Argh blogger and me don't get along - last try, even shorter comment now:
    Loooove both cards! I lived in Delft for a while and hated the delft blue, but I like the modern version now, and the 2nd card reminds me of our Mediterranean looking kitchen)
    Hugs, Debbie.


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