
Monday 27 April 2015

Mackintosh Ovals (posted by Judith)

Hello everyone, I hope that you are enjoying the inspiration provided by my team mates this month. I have a card to show you today, using one of the images from the Floral Eggs clear stamp set, along with some older favourites of mine.

I started my card by stamping and embossing the Mackintosh style egg repeatedly onto a piece of black card, using Versamark and some platinum embossing powder. I also stamped and embossed the oval part of the central image several times onto a spare piece of black card. I mixed some blue and green Brusho powder with iridescent medium, and coloured areas of the images and left them to dry. I cut out the ovals from the spare piece of card, and stuck them to the background card inbetween the Mackintosh egg images.

I stamped the main image, from the Mackintosh Windows stamp set, onto a piece of white card, using Versafine Onyx Black ink, and embossed it using clear embossing powder. I coloured the image using watercolour pencils and a water brush. I coloured a die cut of white card with pencils and a water brush before stamping a sentiment from the Mackintosh Sentiments clear stamp set. I chose a toning green pearlescent card to mat all of the layers before assembling my card.

Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. Hello Judith.
    I think your card is lovely. I do like techniques done on a black base and the Mackintosh image compliments the background well.
    Best wishes

  2. Hello Judith I love your card, just gorgeous, the images and embossing are brilliant, love your colour pallet, Kate x

  3. I can imagine that the iridescence of both the brusho coloured background & your dark aqua pearlescent cardstock really glow in real life; I love the way the latter picks ip on the colouring of the egg shape in the background. Your idea of using that little oval from the focal image is super really tieing the whole design together. The way your focal image stands out against the black is very striking indeed.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. Beautifully laid out. The gold embossing is beautiful on the brown background. Your MacIntosh image fits perfectly. Lovely card all around.

  5. It's gorgeous! I'm rather partial to this stamp set, I have it of course - how could I not?? Joanna Mackintosh

  6. oh so beautiful - this is gorgeous - love it - hugs rachel x

  7. This is so unusual but works so beautifully. I love the irridescent finish that the medium has imparted and the topper and the sentiment plate works wonderfully well over the top with the green edging to match the background layer. x

  8. Creativity abounds with you . Beautiful

  9. A great card, cleverly combining complementary stamps. I always love metallic embossing on dark card. This is so effective. The focal point of the main image on white give such a lovely contrast and a great "pop" of colour. A super design. Elaine xxx

  10. This contrast looks so great! It worrks perfect!


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