
Friday 26 June 2015

Rustic Love (posted by Claire)

Good morning folks, Claire here with a sample made using Rustic Fragments, this time i've teamed them up with some of my favourite stamps from Punky Romance.

I made my background using Barn Door and Pumice Stone distress ink, blending them lightly on some white card with my blending tool. Then I stamped the fragment with Pumice Stone distress ink to create some texture.

I stamped the cogs with Versamark and embossed with silver embossing powder. I stamped 'Love' with versamark, and embossed with red sparkly embossing powder. Before I heated the powder, I used a fine brush to dust the red powder off the cogs and then sprinkled on some silver. I wasn't sure if this would work but the silver powder stayed in place perfectly.

Next I stamped the heart, again embossing in red. I stamped the image again, this time on vellum and embossed with silver embossing powder and cut them out before layering them up with some silver cogs.

Thanks for visiting today
Claire xx


  1. A great card Claire and I love the colour combination too
    Jackie x

  2. So unique , I have to try this color combination .looks beautiful

  3. This is a wonderful sample of your fine work, Claire! Love it!

  4. A great male card Claire and Barn Door and Pumice Stone work together beautifully. I love the silver cogs with the red heart and the vellum wings to finish. x

  5. absolutely awesome Claire - love this to bits xx

  6. Fantastic ard Claire, love the SP theme and the images are wonderful, Kate x

  7. Wow, steampunk in such blushing ladies-colours; original and stunning!


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