
Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fly Free my pretty bird (by Debbie)

Good morning.
Two offerings from me today, the card is the first project I made with the stamps.
Well, actually the second. I started using the bird cages and wanted to create a display of the bird cages hanging and stamped around twenty onto card masking them as I went along. Although the idea in my head was good I could only see them cluttered when I stood away from them. It didn't go any further than the bin.
I stamped and masked the three cages and coloured with alcohol pens. I used one of the swirly bird tails to add a little detail down the right side with Antique Linen distress ink. The edges were distressed with a sharp blade and Antique Linen . The sentiment was added and I masked onto my favourite pale turquoise card.
I really enjoyed making this tag as it just flowed without a lot of thought. I stayed with two colours, Peacock Feathers distress ink and French Ultramarine archival ink. I wanted to give this bird some sparkle so I reached for the glitters and acetate. The bird was stamped onto the acetate with Stazon black and when dry I used a glue pen to add the glitter to it. The glue was drawn on in sections so I could differ the colours.
Thanks for visiting


  1. Two gorgeous projects Debbie.

  2. Lovely card. Your acetate bird is fabulous.

  3. Love the two offering today, both very sweet.

    I would rather like to see your 'failed' project too though - it's nice to see exactly where others think they've 'gone wrong' - often another person looking at it can see potential? Also, it can serve as a warning of 'what not to do' ! ;)

  4. I love the uncluttered look of the first card Debbie and the distressed edges in those nice neutral tones, and then the pretty blue tones for the tag, and such a great idea to stamp the bird on to acetate and add the glitter for lovely sparkle. x

  5. Just gorgeous Debie, love the colours and your designs, Kate x

  6. Beautiful CAS designs! Love the pastel colours!

  7. These are both gorgeous Debbie! A clean look (not necessarily simple!) is my own personal favourite style at the moment so these are right up my street. I always shy away from using glitter 'cos it gets eveywhere, lol, but your bird on the tag looks stunning!

    Lesley X


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