
Saturday 10 October 2015

Exquisite Cards (by Julie)

Hello Crafters, hope your weekend is going well. Today is my turn to show you what I have been making with the fantastic new Exquisite stamps that have just been released by Chocolate Baroque.

My first card has been created using the new Owl Edges, along with Artistic Expressions for the sentiment.
I cut a mask for the moon using a circle die and created the background with Spiced Marmalade, Mustard Seed and Hickory Smoke Distress inks. I blended them together with Cut n Dry foam and a few touches from a water brush. The sentiment and the bulrushes were stamped with Onyx Black Versafine and the card was finished off by adding white highlights to all of the stamped images.

My second card comes courtesy of the lovely Exquisite Edges set. This set is so versatile and doesn't have to be used just for edges.
I started by stamping the decorative edges with Grey Versafine and then covered the entire background with Squeezed Lemonade Distress ink.
I inked up the Art Deco style, flower edge with Watering Can Archival ink and stamped it a few times onto plain white stamping card. Next take three different sized circle dies and select which parts of the flowers you want to cut and then put them through your die cut machine.
I have coloured the flowers with Polychromos pencils, glittered them with a Hologram Viva glitter pen and finished the card off by edging everything with Weathered Wood Distress ink.

Thanks so much for stopping by and hope to see you here again soon.

Julie x


  1. Love both your cards. The second one is a great design for a quick but very beautiful card.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Love your cards. The scene card is so pretty and the addition of the sentiment is just perfect. On your second card I love all the circles.

  3. Two lovely cards Julie and you have made a really pretty scene using the bulrushes and what a clever idea with just small parts of the stamp in the circles and the delightful borders in the background. x

  4. Love them both but esp the first , thanks for the great tip of white highlights ., an artists secret no doubt . Have a great day and evening . Jan

  5. These are both gorgeous - I especially like the second one. Nice idea to use the circles :)

  6. Two very beautiful cards Julie, beautiful images and colouring, great inspiration, Kate x

  7. Great circle card! And the soft colours on the first are beautiful!

  8. Beautiful designs Julie and so different! I love the circles on the second one and lovely sky on the first.

    Lesley Xx


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