
Saturday 19 December 2015

Fabulous new background stamps by Zoe

Good morning, and Merry Christmas, I hope you're all ready for the big man?
I'm back with my second post of these fabulous and versatile new background stamps from Chocolate Baroque, I hope you managed to catch our fab Lesley on The Craft Channel, wasn't she so cool and professional, such great demos.
I used the gorgeous Baroque Orchid with a Versamark Inkpad and heat embossed with gold embossing powder, I then inked using a blending tool and Distress inks, once blended I put the card between some baking/greaseproof paper and ironed using a hot dry iron until the embossing became flat, I was able then to stamp onto it, I added some tulle and bit of bling, matted and layered and viola!

My second is a 5"x7" canvas, I used Dylusions paints applied with a wet wipe, I stamped using stamps from the Steampunk Butterfly set and Studded Lattice, I used gilding flakes on the cogs stamp from the set, gilding wax around the edge, white gesso using credit card and bottle tops to create some texture, the butterfly was stamped onto tissue and adhered with a gel medium.

I used the Studded Lattice again on the background using my Gelli Plate, I inked it up first using my brayer then stamped the Lattice directly onto the Gelli Plate with a darker pink ink then pulled my print, the Roses from the Steampunk Butterfly set I coloured using pencils to create a metal effect.

Thank you so much for spending your time visiting, please pop along again and see what my fantastic teamies create, have a wonderful Christmas time and Happy New Year xx Zoe xx



  1. Don't know which one is my favourite, I love them all. The first card is so opulent and I love the colours you have used and the embossing makes it look so rich. Your canvass looks great too, the large butterfly in the centre just finishes it off nicely.

  2. Three beautiful creations Zoe and I love the gold embossing on the first and lovely mix of stamps for the collage effect on the second and both in those gorgeous bright colours and then your gelli plate version with the metal look to the images on top of that pretty pink lattice background. x

  3. Wow, three beautiful cards all such beautiful backgrounds and colours! A feast for the eyes!

  4. stunning makes and all very different - i adore the first one - brilliant! Hugs rachel x

  5. Fab-U-Lous!!! Merry Christmas

  6. Fabulous creations ans wonderful colours, Kate x

  7. Absolutely stunning work! Love all three but the first is my favourite as I'm in love with that gorgeous stamp!

    Lesley Xx


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