
Thursday 4 February 2016

Blooming New Stamps launched today (by Lesley)

Where did January go?  Did you blink and miss it too, because I can't believe it is February and I am telling about a fabulous new stamp launch.

We are still in individual stamp mode here at Chocolate Baroque towers, although I promise you that we have not abandoned our A4 and A5 sets but you will just have to wait and see what we have in store on that front. I'm an awful tease aren't I!

Anyway, back to the single cling mounted stamps that are on release today and all I can say is that they are delicious. There are four stunning florals, each set on a different background, available as individuals and our usual money saving multi-buy.

Crackling Rose

Flora Musica

Harlequin Bouquet

Floribunda Net

Sue has once again drawn us some glorious images and I have combined them with a selection of backgrounds. These are large stamps, with three of them measuring over 5", so they will make a real statement on your project. Great for a good selection of occasions and just excellent for playing with!

On the four samples shown here I have stamped on to die cut hearts and coloured with watercolours and I think you will agree that these beautiful images just speak for themselves. The Design Team are busy stamping, colouring and creating as I write this so be prepared for some amazing samples over the course of this month from our talented girls.  

One last thing. If you are a member of our Chocolate Baroque Facebook group then why not show us what you have created with these new stamps, or any of our stamps for that matter. We love to see your work and you never know, you could feature in our Readers' Gallery

Bye for now.


  1. Gorgeous new stamps. A bit of the old style magic with these.
    Flo x

  2. These are absolutely stunning Lesley! Xx

  3. Ooooooh gorgeous stamps Lesley, they will go down a storm, Kate x

  4. Wow these stamps look amazing, I really want them all, I hope I can find them in a webshop in the Netherlands, they are really just right for beautiful cards!! Have fun !!


  5. They look so great! Looking forward to see more inspiration!

  6. They are gorgeous Lesley and ' chapeau' for our talented Sue! xxMiranda

  7. blooming gorgeous Lesley - ordered mine xx

  8. Wow beautiful how you use the stamps. Janny

  9. Gorgeous new designs, sooooo tempting ;)


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