
Friday 12 February 2016

floral musica (by Veronica)

 These lovely new single flower stamps are perfect for colouring in, and they really don't need anything else to make a card.
I have used the floral musica stamp for these two cards.
The first one the image was stamped with brown ink and coloured with watercolour pencils, cut out with a die, and the cut out edged with promarker. Base is a 15x15cm kraft card blank, the dark brown panel was embossed with an embossing folder and rubbed with a very ancient golden gilding wax
This time the image was stamped in black versafine ink, coloured with pencils again, and a light wash of old paper distress ink across the music background. None of my oval dies was right for this, so I had to handcut the oval out! The mount was diecut from a dull gold card. the base 15x15cm white card blank was randomly stamped with the rose image using the old paper distress ink, with a bit more sponged rouind the edges.

Keep an eye on the blog, there are some gorgeous cards coming up from the others!


  1. Beautiful cards, do love this stamp

  2. Lovely cards, beautiful colouring technique.

  3. Beautifully coloured. The orange really pops. I like the musical background. You did an awesome job hand cutting your oval.

  4. 2 Gorgeous cards Veronica. I love the embossed music you've used with the stamp too.

    Sue xx

  5. WOW!! absolutely gorgeous . i love them both and what wonderful colours you've used, Kate x

  6. Two very pretty cards Veronica and these stamps are indeed great coloured and kept quite simple as the artwork is beautiful. x

  7. Beautifully colored roses, Love your cards, Veronica.

  8. Stunning showcasing of these besutiful stamps Vronnie. Wonderful colouring!

    Lesley Xx


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