
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Babushka by Zoe pt 2

Good morning Lovelies, well I'm back for my second post this month using the fab new Babushka stamp set

This card I just stamped directly onto my card base, even over the folded bit, I started by making masks for my dolls and one of the buildings by stamping them on some scrap paper and cutting them out, so I first stamped my smallest Doll, covered with the mask then stamped the next using the same method, until they are all stamped behind one another, I opened the card out and did the same with the building and finally one of my favourite stamps Dusky Damask background which I used Blueprint Sketches Distress ink for, I then coloured all the images in using pencils, stamped the sentiment, added a few gems and voila!

Thank you for taking the time to visit today, please pop along each day to see my wonderful teamies creations, have a great day xx Zoe xx



  1. Absolutely adorable card!!!! :D
    Coco xx

  2. Beautiful card, love the colours you have chosen.

  3. This is a very beautiful card

  4. Beautiful Zoe, lovely CAS style and the stamps and colours used are so lovely, Kate x

  5. I love the way you have grouped the dolls together and added the buildings to the background with that touch of damask in blue. Really pretty Zoe. x

  6. So pretty, a bit of 'masking' works wonders :)

  7. Such great masking; a beautiful CAS-style card!

  8. What a gorgeous card Zoe and one any Mum would be delighted to receive.

    Lesley XX


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