
Sunday 20 March 2016

Baby Dolls (by Asha)

Good morning, friends. I'm back with a card project featuring the new Babushka stamp set. These are lovely stamps but if you're finding it difficult to get creative with them, why not consider taking the Clean and Simple route.

These dolls take centre stage on my card. They have been coloured with alcohol markers and fussy cut before adhering to the embossed background with foam tape. Or you could go hardcore CAS and adhere the dolls to a plain white background.

There are no bulky embellishments on this card, making it perfect for mailing. For added sparkle I applied Stickles to their head scarves and to accentuate the embossed design, I very lightly inked around the edges of the card. Couldn't be simpler!

As always, more details on tools and products used are available on my blog. And be sure to stop by often for more fabulous projects by the rest of the team. Have a brilliant day!



  1. Love this Asha, the beautiful colours really are very luxurious xx Zoe xx

  2. Also a beautiful card with this stamps. Janny

  3. This is simple but very effective Asha and the beautifully coloured dolls stand out so prettily against the dark red embossed background. x

  4. Beautiful Asha, lovely colours and love the simple design, kate x

  5. Beautiful! Very CAS indeed, works great.

  6. Beautiful warm background; fits so the Babushka's so good!

  7. Love the embossed layer you have used behind the dolls Asha and how it perfectly ties in with the colour of the fruite in the dolls' baskets. Perfectly balance and co-ordinated card.

    Lesley Xx


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