
Sunday 13 March 2016

Russian Dolls (by Julie)

Hello! Hope your weekend is going well. Today I have two cards made with the fabulous new Babushka Dolls. I have to confess that after being a little apprehensive about working with this very different set, I am pleased to report that they are loads of fun and more importantly, very versatile so I hope you like them as much as I do.

My first card shows a parade of dolls emerging from the temple. As they are different sizes you can play around with perspective to see what suits you best. A swirly corner stencil was used to create a garden and another texture stencil was used the other side of the pathway. The design has been coloured with a mixture of Brush-markers and Distress inks and finished off with a birthday sentiment from the Amazing Birthday clear sentiment set.

My second card is a very simple card and it is made even easier if you keep the three, smallest Russian dolls together when you cut your stamps out.
I have inked up the trio with Onyx Black Versafine and stamped onto a piece of spare card before water-colouring with brush markers.
I cut the card into a square to fit the centre of my base card and brushed the edges with Tea Dye Distress ink. The crackled edges on the base card were stamped with the crackled egg from the Natural Eggs clear set and finished off with the Tea Dye Distress ink as before.

Many thanks for stopping by and please call back for another Design Team member's inspiration.

Julie xx


  1. I like this stamps, lovely cards. Janny

  2. I like this stamps, lovely cards. Janny

  3. Two fabulous cards. Love the way you used the different doll sizes to really get that feeling of perspective! Beautiful colouring on both cards.
    Sharon xx

  4. These are fabulous Julie xx Zoe xx

  5. Two lovely cards, colouring is super and great designs, love them Julie, Kate x

  6. These cards are both great Julie, and I love the pathway to the church with the dolls in a row getting smaller in size, and then the second with them in two rows and using a limited palette of colours works really well. x

  7. How lovely, they're both so beautiful.

  8. That first one is such a beautiful scene! And great soft colours on both!

  9. Clever little scene on your first card Janny and both are beautifully coloured.

    Lesley Xx


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