
Thursday 14 April 2016

Fairy Meadow (posted by Claire)

Good morning, Claire here with a project made using lots of my favourite stamps. We're getting some warmer days and seeing some sunshine so I was inspired to create a project to remind us that Spring and Summer will soon be here. I've made a little concertina book with a little fairy magic.

I began by cutting 4 squares of white card (12.5cm) and lining them up to stamp the main flower images (from Poppy Meadow) and masked them with Pebeo masking fluid. Next  creating a distress ink background using shades of blue and green inks, misting with water and swooshing my card through the inky puddle. Once this was dry I stamped lots of foliage from Wild Meadow using different shades of green ink. 

I removed the masking fluid and coloured the flowers with coloured pencils. I decided my meadow scene needed some butterflies and a touch of magic too. The butterflies were stamped onto the project and also onto some of the lovely sparkly self adhesive acetate which is perfect for wings using Black Stazon ink. I cut out the butterfly wings and removed the backing before dusting over with mica powders. I layered the butterfly wings up with silicone glue.

I stamped the fairies with black archival ink and gave them some sparkly wings too. You can find the full fairy collection here

Lastly I made a cover for my concertina book using distress inks and mica powder applied to copier paper. While still wet I crumpled the paper up and left it to dry. Once this was dry I used it to cover two greyboard squares, one for the front and one for the back. On the front cover I stamped another fairy using black archival ink. It can be a bit tricky to stamp on such an uneven surface but if you do get any little areas that don't stamp properly you can just use a black fineliner pen to fill in the gaps.

To assemble my little book I glued my 4 squares onto a long strip of paper that I'd folded into four panel concertina. I attached the ribbon to the inside of the back cover and then glued the inner section to both front and back covers.

I hope you're enjoying all the inspiration from the DT this month
Happy Crafting and a big thank you for visiting today

Claire xx


  1. Fantastic book Claire, very clever design, beautiful xx Zoe xx

  2. There is a lot of work here and the poppy meadow works so well for this concertina book together with the butterflies and dragonfly and then the silhouette faires. Really pretty! x

  3. What a delightful, little book. The colours are beautiful and you have really demonstrated how to use these stamps to their best.

  4. Hi Claire, how lovely, and lots of interest. Lovely idea to have the book of the pretty fairy, fabulous meadow colours, Kate x

  5. So pretty and such a lot of detail - tfs.

  6. Such a great dreamworld! Love the colours!

  7. This is an adorable creation, I love it!
    Have a lovely week-end everyone. Coco x


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