
Saturday 16 April 2016

Pan Pastel favourites (by Judith)

Hello everyone, I have two cards to share with you today, using a couple of old favourite stamp sets; Butterfly Dreams and Loving Sentiments. These two stamp sets contain stamps that I like to use time and time again, and they have been faithful friends over the years. I have chosen to use a couple of the smaller stamps to create backgrounds, using Pan Pastels to colour my card first, and then stamp the images over the top. This always seems to give a lovely crisp impression.

For my first card, I have used some linen textured card, and shades of green and purple to colour the background, before stamping the leaf image using olive and plum over the top. I coloured a smaller piece of card in the same way, and stamped a sentiment over the top. I added burgundy card as a matting layer for the linen card.

I chose a piece of smooth card to colour with the purple shades of Pan Pastel, and then stamped a butterfly from the stamp set over the top. I cut the image out, and added some flower stamens to replace the antennae.

For my second card, I coloured a piece of smooth card with turquoise Pan Pastel, and then stamped another leafy image over the top with Teal coloured ink. Using Versamark Ink, I stamped the large flourish, and added a dark blue Pan Pastel to the image.

I coloured another smaller piece of card with the turquoise Pan Pastel as before, and stamped a sentiment. I added a few flat-backed gems to finish.
Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. 2 beautiful cards, especially love the first one

  2. These are stunning Judith, so pretty, love the colours too, I love my pan pastels xx Zoe xx

  3. Just gorgeous Judith, beautiful colours and stamps. I love the backgrounds and sentiments are just lovely, Kate x

  4. Really beautiful and great to see the use of Pan Pastel Judith which gives a lovely finish especially on that pretty coloured background on the first card and I love the stamped butterfly and sentiment. The second is beautiful in shades of blue this time mostly stamped but with the Pan Pastel flourishes which draw the eye into to the sentiment plate. x

  5. Love the soft colours of the PanPastel! And great to see the older stamps again!

  6. They're both lovely - don't have Pan Pastels myself but can see the attraction.


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