
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Pretty Blooms by Zoe

Good morning Lovelies I hope you are all well?

I'm back with my second post for Spring/April, today I'm sharing with you a couple of simple little cards I made using the lovely little free stamp that came with this months Craft Stamper magazine.

Both were created using my Gelli plates for the backgrounds.

I used my 4" round Gelli plate which I inked up with with my brayer, one side using Carved Pumpkin and the other side using Candied Apple distress inkpads, I lightly stamped around the edge with the stamp clean, just to get a very subtle etched effect, I then cut my card base and topper using a stitched circle nesting die, I stamped using Spanish Moss Versafine Inkpad the beautiful Wisteria Lane stamp set, I then stamped the little "Bloom" from the free stamp onto the card and stamped the flowers onto a separate piece of card using a Red Versafine Inkpad, cut them out, gave them a little shaping with my fingers and stuck them on using a hot glue gun, I drew the antenna's and a little tail, added some glitter glue gel here and there and "voila"

This card I used a mini Gelli Plate inked with Adirondack inkpads Citrus and Stream, I stamped the Flower stamp along the edges using Majestic Blue Versafine Inkpad directly onto my Gelli plate then pulled the print, I cut out my card base a mat and the topper using a rectangle stitched nesting die, I added the smaller flowers to the edges to create a sort of Lacey effect using the Majestic Blue ink, then using Black Versafine ink I stamped one of the stamps from the Autumn Hedgerow set and the little word "Bloom" from the free set, an easy little card, a little busy but I think it's very "springlike"

Thank you so much for popping along, it means so much to hear what you think of my creations, have a great day xx Zoe xx



  1. Both beautiful cards, as the pretty butterfly one. I look at the stamps that come with CS and never know what to do with them, thanks for the inspiration xx

  2. Love the shapes and the "lightness" of these cards!

  3. I really like how you used the stamps. I love the Cute round card. Janny

  4. Very pretty cards, love your butterfly.

  5. Just so pretty Zoe, I love the round card, makes a lovely change of shape and your stamping and colours are fabulous, your second card is also fabulous, great designs both, Kate x

  6. These are both extremely pretty Zoe and the pinks and then the lemon and blues together are so Springlike. I love the little flower stamp and the word stamp which you have put to good use here with the addition of the Autumn Hedgerow and Wisteria Lane stamps which are beautiful the way you have used them here and I particularly love the little butterfly you have created, so clever! x

  7. Love these designs Zoe. Lovely springtime cards.

  8. Hi Zoe your cards are gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie


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