
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Whimsical Landscape by Zoe

Good morning Lovelies, I hope the spring weather is being good to you all? We've had some glorious days down here on the South East coast, chilly but beautiful sunshine, but had an awful thunder storm Sunday night with torrential rain, the nice weather never seems to last too long! We had a wee bit of damage to our garage roof due to "Storm Katie" but nothing too serious thank goodness compared to some!

So today I'm sharing a CAS card I've made using the gorgeous SKL Landscape stamp which is new to me, I love the whimsical design, I'm not a great colourist so this one suits me, I simply Stamped onto some Linen Textured card stock which I'd cut using a stitched edge nesting die to create a frame, with Black Versafine inkpad and lightly coloured using pencils, some more die cuts to finish the frame and some flat back gems for the flower centres, sentiment is Mackintosh Sentiments.

Thank you so much for visiting, please pop back each day and look at our other very talented design teamies work. Have a great day xx Zoe xx



  1. This is lovely zoe ... sorry to hear about the storm damage. Take care x

  2. Its lovely Zoe , We had the nasty thunder as well made me jump i was at the end of Casualty on iplayer went and pulled all plugs out for tv and internet!!! then hid in bed.... xx

  3. Your card looks so sweet with the small flowers with there little pearl in it!! I love this!!!


  4. Hi Zoe, what a beautiful card, it's a lovely image and the touch of colour is super, Kate x

  5. I love this card Zoe! Perfect simplicity!

    Lesley Xx

  6. Really beautiful CAS card - love the scene and that stitched edge die looks really good!

  7. A really elegant landscape card Zoe and I love the soft colours you have used. Delightful! x

  8. Nice card with a beautiful stamp. Janny

  9. Looks so great this partical and delicate colouring!


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