
Thursday 5 May 2016

Planner page by Zoe

Good morning Lovelies I hope you're all well.

Today I'm sharing with you something new for me, I saw these fab Planner/journal and inserts made of Greyboard on the website and thought "hmmmm I neeeeeed one of these" now I've no idea really what they are meant to be lol, but I'm a crafter and figured, what does it matter? Just decorate it, so I have and I've enjoyed it!

So I started by Gessoing both sides with my brayer, then I sprayed some inks, just pale flat colours to get a base in green and pink, once dry I used a leafy stencil with texture paste, dry again then lightly stamped randomly using the Old English verse from Words of Wisdom set, I then sprayed again with a shimmery spray in similar colours, let it run and puddle and again once dry went through a Lacey style stencil this time with texture paste, I flicked some black and white ink over and let it all dry and then I stamped some foliage from the Sketchy Doodle Landscape onto my page and used the flower heads from the same set to stamp and heat emboss onto watercolour card, I did several as I wasn't sure what colours I wanted to use, to start with I used distress crayons but the colours were just wrong, and I'd already cut them out and stuck them on before pondering for an hour or so and realising I didn't like them lol, so I used some more shimmery spray inks in brighter colours and just stuck them over the ones I'd done before, it gave them a bit of dimension and actually although you can see a tiny bit poking out underneath I quite like that! The sentiment is from the same "words of wisdom" set.

I think "anything goes" when it comes to journaling or in this case Planners?

Thanks for stopping by, please check out my wonderful teamies samples each day for more inspiration, have a wonderful day xx Zoe xx



  1. Gorgeous, I had to buy them too!

  2. gorgeous Zoe, love the colours - been dithering over buying one of these......

  3. Great colourcombo those soft and brights! A planner that is fun to see!

  4. This is lovely. Have been wondering if I needed one of these!

  5. Beautiful, love the design!
    Linda xxx

  6. Very pretty Zoe and adore all the texture and the colour combination is beautiful. x

  7. Beautiful work Zoe, your colours and image is so pretty, Kate x

  8. beautiful Zoe - I love the layers and the muted tones - gorgeous work! Hugs rachel x

  9. Hi Zoe this is a stunning card. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  10. Such a beautiful flower card.
    Gr, Elly


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