
Saturday 30 July 2016

Winter Dawn ( by Magda)

Today I want to show how to make a simple card with the Winter Dawn stamp, one of the four beautiful seasonal ladies set.

1. Stamp Winter Dawn with Versafine Onyx Black on a watercoulor cardstock
2. Colour the face and the neck with watercolor marker and cover those with Drawing Gum
3. Blend with a blending sponge, all the cardstock with Distress Inkpad Stormy Sky to create the
4. Rub away the Drawing Gum when it is dry
5. Fill the circles and the centre of the snowflakes with Stickles Star Dust
6. Roll on Gelli Plate with the brayer different shades of  Distress Paint blue
7. Crease a piece of backing paper, create your monoprint, and let it dry
8. Cut the backing paper in strips, you have created your washi tape !
9. Glue with Ranger Triangular Collage Glue, the strips as a frame around your Winter Dawn image.

I hope you have had some new ideas from my project and enjoy these last days of July



  1. Beautifully designed and coloured card Magda, gorgeous frosty Wintery look, Kate x

  2. Very pretty card Magda and tbe blue is the perfect winter colour. x

  3. gorgeous make Magda! Hugs rachel x


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