
Sunday 30 October 2016

Put a spell on you (posted by Claire)

Good morning. Claire here with a Halloween card made using some of my favourite spooky Chocolate Baroque stamps.  

I began by stamping the images (from Put a Spell on You and Nevermore) using Memento Tuxedo Black in and then masked the images using making fluid. and created the background using distress inks and acrylic paints. Once the background was dry I removed the masking fluid and coloured the images with Graph'It markers. I've added some spooky embellishments to finish the card off.

Thanks for visiting today, 
Claire xx


  1. A great halloween card! Thanks for the tip of maskng fluid, I didn't knew it!

  2. This is a great spooky card Claire and I love your colours. It's great idea to mask the images in order to colour the background first too. x

  3. Wonderful card Claire, your design is brilliant and what fabulous images and colours too, Kate x

  4. What a great composition and collage stamping!


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