
Thursday 13 October 2016

The forest in October (by Dominike)

In October, French tradition is to choose literary prizes. For the occasion I think about a beautiful event, named La Forêt des Livres. It is writers' big meeting in a small village of Chanceaux Lès Loches.

I made this card with Hocus Pocus stamps.

  1. stamp the book on a piece of paper and emboss it with clear powder.
  2. same for  the bird but on another piece of white paper and cut around the bird embossed. 
  3. stamp the trees.
  4. glue the bird on the book.
  5. dry with a heat gun.
  6. with a sponge colour the background with dried marigold Distress Ink
  7. with another sponge, with broken china Distress Ink
  8. and with a last one sponge, with chipped sapphire Distress Ink
  9. glue the card onto the cardstock.
The tag is inspired by Halloween.
  1. stamp the lady on a piece of sheet
  2. stamp the bottom of the stamp on a piece of paper you don't want to throw out
  3. link the pattern and sew the two parts
  4. take on old piece of sheet you don't used and sew the three pieces in the top.
  5. Stamp "let it be" on the bottom.


  1. They are both so pretty and love the idea with the beautiful stamp of the lady for the tag

  2. Belle réalisation pour la Forêt des Livres !

  3. Love them both xxxx the top one is a perfect misty morning xx

  4. This literary event looks fantastic Dominike and I love your take on it with the crow and the trees which has a slightly misty quality, and the Halloween tag using material is so organic and works beautifully. x

  5. Fabulous work, wonderful image and fabulous on your card, great tag too, Kate x


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