
Sunday 11 December 2016

Baroque Bracelet With Matching Gift Box (by Julie)

Hello, hope your weekend is going well. Today I have a gift idea, so if you are running out of ideas, fear not, run off and get some lolly sticks and then meet me back here...ha ha!

I had seen this bracelet idea in various forms around the Internet so thought I would give it a go. I started by inking up my Baroque Orchid cling stamp with green Staz-on ink and stamped directly onto the lolly sticks (or tongue depressor). I did a few to take into account of mistakes in the next couple of stages.
Once you have your stamped sticks, place them into boiling water and boil for 5 to 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
Remove the sticks from the hot water and bend them into the shape you want. Place them inside a glass jar or something similar to hold the shape whilst they are drying and leave for 24 hours.
When dry, punch a hole in each end of the stick with a Crop-o-dile, add gold gilding wax to the edges and paint a coat of Acrylic Wax over the entire bracelet.
When dry, thread some cord with beads of your choice and attach to the bracelet by threading through the previously punched holes.

The matching gift box was coloured with Distress inks and stamped with the Baroque Orchid stamp using the same green Staz-on ink as before. Once the ink is dry assemble the box, add gold gilding wax along the edges and finish with some ribbon.
The box I have used was cut on my Scan n Cut, however you can easily use a traditional two piece box, created on your scoring board.

Thanks for popping in

Julie xx


  1. Love this - what a great idea. Sylvia

  2. Amazing bracelet and box, love the idea and the colour!

  3. Wow how beautiful this is, beautiful bracelet and box, so very creative, Kate x

  4. Very pretty and an unusual idea which has given a very cleverly designed bracelet to go with the box Julie. x

  5. What a great idea and I klove that baroque look!


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