
Monday 27 February 2017

Sparkling Meadows (by Judith)

Hello everyone, I have a couple of projects to share with you today incorporating the 'Caught in Crystal' technique and using some of the lovely silhouette flowers from both the Silhouette Grasses stamp set and the individual Baroque Meadow stamp.

I created a large piece of caught in crystal background, and you can find the full instructions on my blog. I then stamped the Baroque Meadow image, adding the three little silhouette butterflies, using a permanent black ink. I trimmed the piece of background to size, and matted it onto black card.

I found a larger piece of wrinkle free distress background in my stash of left over backgrounds, which was a lovely bright orange, and simply added some pink Distress Ink around the edges so that it toned in with the caught in crystal panel. I added a sentiment from the Words to Dazzle and Sparkle stamp set, and adhered the background to a large black card blank.

I had a piece of the crystal background left over, and die cut an oval piece from what was left. I stamped an individual flower and one of the little butterflies onto the oval, before matting it onto black card as before. I created a background using Pan Pastels, and added some foliage using Versamark, and Pan Pastels over the top. Finally, I added a sentiment from the Words to Dazzle and Sparkle stamp set.

Thanks for stopping by, Judith xx


  1. I just love them both. The colours are amazing. X

  2. Beautiful cards Judith, wonderful strong colours,Kate x

  3. Lovely cards, really like the background colours you have chosen.

  4. Your cards are both amazing! Love the technique used and the colours!

  5. Two warm and beautiful cards!

  6. Two beautiful cards. The backgrounds look very warm. I usually go for pinks and purples but like the colours you have used. Thank you.

  7. Two lovely, warm-feeling cards - thanks for all the info, it helps to see the steps to how you got the beautiful results :)

  8. Two gorgeous cards Judith and the colours are so bright and pretty using the wrinkle free background and also the Pan Pastels, and the Baroque Meadow and Silhouette Grasses stamps over the top using the black ink stand out beautifully. x


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