
Friday 24 February 2017

Word Cloud Meadow (by Julie)

Hi there, thanks for stopping by. I have a bumper, three card post for you today using the fabulous stamps that Lesley recently demonstrated on Hochanda. If you managed to catch her shows you may have seen Lesley demonstrate a card using this technique so if you did you will be ahead of the game lol!

For the word cloud I have used the sentiments from Words to Dazzle. Basically you need to choose your sentiments and then arrange them onto an acrylic stamp block. Ink them up and test stamp them onto scrap paper. When you like the appearance of your stamped arrangement you are ready to stamp onto your project.

My first card also uses Baroque Meadow and Silhouette Grasses. The base card is the Silhouette Grasses inked up with Moss Green Versafine and then Fired Brick Distress ink was added over the top. The topper was created by stamping the Baroque Meadow in a very pale dye based ink before over-stamping with the word cloud. For this card I coloured the sentiments with brush markers. Don't worry about the ink drying before you are ready as you can reactivate the ink by giving a good huff onto the rubber before stamping. Before mounting the topper onto the card I edged it with Distress inks.

My second card is almost an exact copy of the first but I have used very muted colours. If you find you do not have any pale inks then you can get around this by using your brighter inks but stamping them onto scrap paper before stamping onto your project. Also known as second generation stamping.

Finally for my third card...I have used the same word cloud arrangement as before, however I have inked up the Silhouette Grasses using yellow, purple and grey dye based inks and stamped onto plain white card. I managed to do this without creating any ink splodges so decided to leave the crisp white card background as it!

Thanks for taking a peek. Please pop back and visit again very soon as there is Design Team inspiration everyday!

Julie xx


  1. All three are so beautiful, and the word cloud looks great! My favourite is the last one

  2. Lovely cards, great idea, thanks for sharing.

  3. I remembers seeing your cards Julie and thought the designs and colours were just beautiful, Kate x

  4. What a brilliant idea for word stamps!!! I have lots which I've never used but that is about to change!
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a brilliant idea for word stamps!!! I have lots which I've never used but that is about to change!
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. These three cards with word stamps and grasses are all gorgeous Julie and the first is lovely and bold and then the next two with softer colours, but they are all beautiful. x

  7. Three gorgeous cards today Julie. Thank you so much for sharing these. Had a lovely day at Farnborough today.

  8. Great to see what different colours do on a card! TFS!


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