
Monday 26 June 2017

Mackintosh by Zoe

Good morning one and all, I hope you've enjoying the beautiful summer weather.
Did you manage to catch our fab Lesley on Hochanda? Well here are some of my samples from the Mackintosh inspired stamp show.

A Greyboard Tag I Gesso'd first and used Distress Oxides which were put onto craft mat, spritzed with water and picked up, tip; Oxides don't like Gesso, it took loads of layers and loads of drying, but I liked the effect eventually! I stamped the image twice turning the tag upside down to get this interesting circular shape and coloured using Distress inkpads, I added some Frantage and a Gilding wax to finish off.

Heat embossed onto watercolour card and masked the bride then washed over with watercolour inks, once dry I removed the Drawing Gum and coloured using the same inks, I stamped and embossed the image twice and fussy cut the flowers to decoupage. To make the "Wedding Card" 

Spray inks for background, heat embossed in black 3 times and coloured with Watercolour Markers, cut out and mounted onto black card.


I hope you like my cards? I had so much fun creating them, have a wonderful day xx Zoe xx 


  1. Absolutely stunning cards Zoe, beautifully designed and wonderful colours, Kate x

  2. So lovely Zoe x so many different looks and effects ... Love this set x

  3. Three beautiful creations Zoe. I love the patterns you have created with the pretty backgroud colours on the tag, and then the wedding card with the gorgeous lady and love the stripes of colour in the background, and then the bright colours on the last with the three wonderfully coloured panels. x

  4. These are beautiful Zoe. I especially like the tag and your second card, the colours work together so well and your backgrounds are fabulous. Sandra x


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