
Thursday 7 September 2017

Christmas in September

Good morning Lovelies! September upon us already, wow the year is flying by! I hope you managed to catch our fab Lesley on Hochanda, great demos as always. Anyway here are some samples I created for the show.

I believe Scandinavian is popular this year, so here's my take on it, just simply heat embossed in white onto craft card.

Heat embossed in white and Brushos, I used Ultra Marine and Black, I used a script stencil with Distress ink just to add some subtle texture.

Water colour markers on water colour card which I wet down then used a sparkle brush to add the water colour markers, the sparkle doesn't show on photo. I stamped the trees using Versamark Inkpad and a Teal glitter embossing powder.

Stamped and embossed in white and coloured the background using water colour markers and a sparkle brush pen, I added some flicks of water to get a snowy effect then some glitter gel to some areas, sadly the gel took on the coloured background instead of being white, but actually I thought it looked quite cool.

Corner stamped using Versafine ink

I hope you like my creations, I have great fun using these wonderful stamps. Have a wonderful day xx Zoe xx 


  1. Great cards! Such different styles; fun to see!

  2. Thought it was your work Zoe xx Love them all xx

  3. Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration Zoe and I love them all but if I had to choose it would be the pretty blue and black brushos over the white embossed snowflakes, and the white embossing on kraft card. x

  4. Wow, amazing all!! Love especially the two cards with white embossing on kraft and that one rainbow background with the cute deers, it's just stunning!!

  5. Great selection of cards you have made - all lovely , but my favourite
    is the White on craft.

  6. Wow! What a great selection of cards.

  7. OMG Zoe, everyone of your cards is fabulous, beautifully designed and coloured, wonderful inspiration, Kate x

  8. Great! I especially like the brushos and snowflakes :)


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