
Saturday 6 January 2018

Dreaming of the Beach (by Judith)

Hello everyone, I have three projects to share with you today, which I took with me to last month's TV shows on Hochanda to use as demos on the shows. If you watched the shows, you will have seen two of these projects in action, but the third one did not make it to air, because the stamp featured sold out so fast. That's the nature of live TV!

For my first project, I created a watercolour background on a large piece of cartridge paper, and stamped a selection of stamps from the Underwater and Mermaid Queen over the top. I cut a postcard sized piece of cartridge paper, and stamped the seashells from Seaside Dreams, and masked the image. I added a watercolour wash over the background. I coloured the shells once I had removed the mask, using just three colours, blue, yellow and brown, mixing the three colours to create a variety of different shades. I added a sentiment to the bakground.

I created a postcard back by drawing some lines using a fineliner pen, and adding images from the Mail Art stamp set. Once I had completed all of my elements, I assembled the card.

To create my second project, I used the same selection of stamps to decorate some brown paper using brown, orange and red tones of ink. I used the paper to make first some wrapping paper for a present, addng some red hessian and some string as a decorative feature. I stamped and embossed some shell images onto kraft card using gold embossing powder, and added some colour using Distress Ink, before cutting the images out, and attaching them to the parcel. The card was made in exactly the same way.

To create my final project, I made a watercolour wash for a piece of watercolour card using Brushos, and sprinkled sea salt over the background while it was still wet. The salt draws some of the liquid away and creates beautiful patterns. Once the background was dry, I brushed the salt away, and stamped a seaweed image from the Underwater stamp set across the background, using first, second and third generation stamping. I also added a sentiment.

Finally, I stamped the Ammonite image onto cartridge paper using some of the left over diluted Brushos, which I picked up from my craft mat, directly onto the stamp. I used a water brush to draw some of the colour from the outline of the image. I cut the image out, and attached it to the card using 3D foam pads.

I will be back later in the month with more watery inspiration for you. Thanks for stopping by,

Judith xx


  1. Love all your projects, especially your wrapping paper and matching card, they are gorgeous and I'm sure the reciprient was delighted. Some of the seaside/ underwater stamp sets are definitely on my wish list this year.

  2. Three wonderful projects with these fab stamps! Love especially the first one, the postcard looks stunning!

  3. These are fabulous Judith! Great demo's again on the ODS too!
    Linda xxx

  4. Beautifully designed and coloured Judith, Kate x

  5. Fab projects, they're all lovely :)

  6. Three beautiful creations Judith and I love the prettily coloured shells, and the matching parcel and card are such a great idea, and then the wonderful ammonite shell and stylised seaweed on that fabulous blue background. x

  7. Lovely cards Judith and I have to say that I love watching your demos. I think you and Lesley make a great team and work in perfect harmony on Hochanda. I’ve just caught up with last week’s shows and they were fabulous with so many great demos and techniques. Keep up the good work. Happy crafting, Sandra x


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