
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Mermaid in December ( by Magda)

Today I want to show you the samples I made for the TV shows that Lesley had in December on Hochanda.
Both projects were done with the  "Mermaid Queen" stamp set.

For the backgrounds:  I used several blue shades of Distress Ink Pad, spritzed with water and stencilled with clear and white modelling pastes.

For the three decorations:  that Lesley put on the Christmas tree, I stamped the elements of Mermaid Queen with Onyx Black, Green, Red,  Spanish Moss  Versafine Ink.

For the card : I stamped some elements directly onto the background, while the Mermaid  is cut out, stamped with Versafine  Onyx Black and coloured with Koh-I-Noor Brilliant Water Colour.

I hope you liked my projects and please remember that you can have a lots of inspirations visiting the Chocolate Baroque Design Team Blog.  



  1. Such pretty results Magda, and I think the decorations or they could be bookmarks, look great and I love the texture on the card, and all so beautifully coloured. x

  2. Lovely projects Magda. Love them all. Thank you for sharing these.

  3. These are gorgeous Magday, love the mermaid and beautiful book marks.
    Linda xxx

  4. Oooooer your mermaid is stunning, I don't think I've ever seen one dressed in red, fabulous colours and design, beautifully desined projects, Kate x

    1. ... like a red fish ! thank you cuilliesocks

  5. I do indeed like your projects :) TFS.


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