
Thursday 11 January 2018

Winter Sea (By Magda)

Even in winter the sea has its beauty and I love the sea during any season.  Therefore I want to share with you this journaling page spread with a frozen seahorse and a seashore in a foggy and rainy day.

I used  the following items 

For the left page :
Distress Ink Pad  Iced Spruce, Stormy Sky for the background
Forest Moss for the plants
Fired Brick  for the seahorse
Underwater stamp set
White Embossing Powder for the frozen seahorse
Stencil Seasonal Journey "Winter"
Translucent Paste
Stencil  Well rounded for the frozen crystals dots and stripes

For the right page : 
Seashore Scenes stamp set
Distress Ink Pad  Iced SpruceStormy SkyForest Moss, Brushed Corduroy for the background
Forest Moss for the plants
Fired Brick  for the lighthouse
Iced Spruce for the clouds, boats
Stencil  Well rounded for the rain 
Translucent Paste
White Gesso, a diluted wash on the page for the fog

What do you think to have a winter week end at the seaside ?
I wish you all a very healthy and crafty 2018,  hugs


  1. I love how you created these pages, they really are beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous journal page.
    Linda xxx

  3. Thank you, Judith and Linda xx

  4. A very atmospheric piece of work Magda and the seashore is something I love in all seasons too. x

  5. This is so beautiful Magda, I love the seaside images and and colours, very atmospheric, Kate x

  6. Thank you, happy you like it, Pat and Cuilliesocks

  7. Sure is a foggy and rainy day! Beautifully done.


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